A Tool for delivering grouped code coverage report.
Check releases for the executable binary
Usage: xcreport <COMMAND>
run Run tests and generate coverage report
generate Generate coverage report from test result
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Run tests and generate coverage report
Usage: xcreport run [OPTIONS] \
--input-file <INPUT_FILE> \
--project-path <PROJECT_PATH> \
--workspace <WORKSPACE> \
--scheme <SCHEME> \
--destination <DESTINATION>
-i, --input-file <INPUT_FILE> Input csv file to match the test results (Squad and Filepath fields required)
-p, --project-path <PROJECT_PATH> Path to your xcode project root
-w, --workspace <WORKSPACE> Xcodebuild argument - Your workspace name
-s, --scheme <SCHEME> Xcodebuild argument - Your scheme name
-d, --destination <DESTINATION> Xcodebuild argument - Simulator destination
-o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> Optional | File path to save the generated report
-h, --help Print help
Generate coverage report from test result
Usage: xcreport generate [OPTIONS] \
--input-file <INPUT_FILE> \
--xcresult-file <XCRESULT_FILE>
-i, --input-file <INPUT_FILE> Input csv file to match the test results (Squad and Filepath fields required)
-x, --xcresult-file <XCRESULT_FILE> Path to the .xcresult file
-o, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE> Optional | File path to save the generated report
-h, --help Print help
Report consists of a brief report.csv
and full full_report.csv
files. The full report can also be used as INPUT_FILE
for next iterations.
- report.csv
- full_report.csv