Repo for a "classic" map for Raven Shield (nowadays available on Steam as "Rainbow Six 3 Gold"), the Arbitrarily Limited Integrated Combat Environment.
To create the installer, just use NSIS on ALICE.nsi. Otherwise, if you grab this repo, you can just copy the contents of the ALICE folder.
Code added here is licensed under copyleft-next 0.3.0. If you're confused because you haven't heard of it, don't worry, you can treat that as GPLv3.
Assets and the actual map/texture/etc files are trickier. Much is proprietary and I don't have the right to offer a license per se. But you should be alright to use them. I've included in here the Mutant Chronicles (pre-3rd-edition) derived armpatches, which I also definitely don't have the rights to, but hey, they're cool right? And since the folks who originally published those materials went out of business long ago, hopefully nobody would sue, and perhaps it's good publicity for the new 3rd edition that others have now come out with? I'm clearly rambling now, and in a way that will rather date this at some point in the past and I'll probably be somewhat embarassed by. But hey, that's in part what this map is itself: a time capsule back to when my friend Christian made this map for the game we loved playing.