This Ansible script will install Wireguard on a server and register that server with the Portunus API for automatic provisioning.
Ansible >= 2.8 Portunus API instance Server token from Portunus API
This script will help you to provision a new server. To do that you simply add your server to your Portunus API instance, get the server_token
after registration and use them as parameters when executing the script:
Usage: ./ <params> where params can be:
-h To display this help and exit
-t Token to use
-w Portunus host/ip from where configuration is downloaded
-s Host/ip of Wireguard server to provision
-p Portunus port (default 2443)
-u Remote user of wireguard's SSH (root or sudoable user) (default root)
Example: ./ -t 5feb9792-add8-4d1c-8737-23b6313b4c8f -h -w -u ubuntu
You can test the deployment in a vagrant virtual machine using the provided Vagrantfile