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Technical Design sessions

Nok Lam Chan edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 3 revisions


  1. Introduction to the problem (5 minutes)
  2. Additional context (5 minutes)
  3. Clarification questions (not going into solution yet) (10 minutes)
  4. Introduction to suggested solution (5 minutes)
  5. Discussion on solution + alternatives (also ask questions if things aren't clear) (20 minutes)
  6. Final questions (5 minutes)
  7. Summary & next steps (5 minutes)

How to book a Tech Design

  • Create specific TD tags for Github issues to specify topics (e.g., implementation discussion, user research summary, learning session). @Merel to ask for a topic every Thursday, if there’s none by Friday the meeting will be cancelled.
  • Tech Design is “bookable” through project board, just move your topic to the Next Up column for it to be discussed.

How to Run Tech Design

  1. Prepared Topic Discussion and Decision Record (DR):
  • The ideal tech design session involves discussing a topic that has been prepared in advance.
  • Everyone in the meeting gets a chance to speak and contribute their ideas.
  • Clear decisions are recorded and not revisited unless new data or information emerges.
  1. Diverse and Adaptable Meeting Formats:
  • The weekly technical design session should be a slot that people can book for various purposes.
  • These purposes may include sharing and discussing user research with the entire team, brainstorming solutions with engineers and other interested parties, and understanding aspects of the codebase with engineers.
  • Consider diversifying the meeting formats to address different needs and make attendance expectations more ad-hoc.
  1. Clarity on Discussion Topics:
  • Ensure there’s clarity on the topic to be discussed in the session and what is expected from the discussion (e.g., implementing a specific feature, summarising user research, or making a decision on a certain matter).
  • Consider using tags on tickets to indicate the purpose of the discussion.
  1. Engagement Tools and Voluntary Participation:
  • Use collaborative tools like digital whiteboards or online polling during the sessions to increase engagement and participation.
  • Implement silent brainstorming, where participants write down their ideas before sharing them aloud.
  • It’s essential to create an environment where nobody is forced to participate, and some attendees may choose to listen and learn without actively contributing.
  1. Decision Record: summarise the discussion on the Github issue and create follow up issues if needed. Example:
  • Avoid revisiting decisions unless new data arises. Format of discussion is up to the session leader, but interactivity is encouraged (e.g., timers, Miro, polls, digital whiteboards). The person who’s leading the topic should provide as much context as possible in advance and the people who intend to attend the meeting, should come prepared and ask questions in advance of the meeting as well so the 1 hour can be used to the fullest.

How to participate a Tech Design

  • People who intend to attend the meeting, should come prepared and ask questions in advance of the meeting as well so the 1 hour can be used to the fullest.
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