Two GWT example projects using GWT-Vue with Webpack and the plugin.
- todoMaterial / todoRest
- games / gamesRest
The Todo project is documented below but the games project works the same way
Run the example REST service backend
cd todoRest && ../gradlew run
Run frontend in dev mode (requires 3 different terminals)
# listens on port 8888 and forwards the module path to gwt super dev mod and the everything else to webpack
cd todoMaterial && ../gradlew gwtDev
# runs webpack on port 8080 and also proxies requests to the rest service
cd todoMaterial && ../gradlew webpack5Dev
# because Vue GWT and SimpleRest use APT generation, run a continous java build to trigger on changes
cd todoMaterial && ../gradlew compileJava --build-cache -t
Open browser to http://localhost:8888/
In dev mode a refresh will recompile GWT, CSS, JS, and webpack changes.
#deploy service with proxy in front (/service/todo to localhost:12111)
cd todoRest && ../gradlew shadowJar
java -jar build/libs/todoRest-all.jar
#copy to archive in build/webapp to nginx or apache
cd todoMaterial && ../gradlew gwtArchive
#make sure your user is in the docker group or has permissions to docker service
docker build . -t todomaterial:latest
docker run -p 80:80 todomaterial
cd todoRest && ../gradlew dockerBuild
docker run -p 12111:12111 todoRest