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Daryl Bennett edited this page Sep 23, 2017 · 7 revisions

Lets show some basic outputs and what to expect etc

What to expect

  • An output directory with the date and time in LiMEaide/output/
  • A RAM dump with specified name default:dump.bin
  • A Volatility profile <kernel version>.zip

Example output

In the following example we connect to with the user account. user only has sudo privileges.

kd8bny@dunkelweizen > python3 -u kd8bny

            .---.                                                     _______
            |   |.--. __  __   ___         __.....__              .--.\  ___ `'.         __.....__
            |   ||__||  |/  `.'   `.   .-''         '.            |__| ' |--.\  \    .-''         '.
            |   |.--.|   .-.  .-.   ' /     .-''"'-.  `.          .--. | |    \  '  /     .-''"'-.  `.
            |   ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |/     /________\   \    __   |  | | |     |  '/     /________\   |
            |   ||  ||  |  |  |  |  ||                  | .:--.'. |  | | |     |  ||                  |
            |   ||  ||  |  |  |  |  |\    .-------------'/ |   \ ||  | | |     ' .'\    .-------------'
            |   ||  ||  |  |  |  |  | \    '-.____...---.`" __ | ||  | | |___.' /'  \    '-.____...---.
            |   ||__||__|  |__|  |__|  `.             .'  .'.''| ||__|/_______.'/    `.             .'
            '---'                        `''-...... -'   / /   | |_   \_______|/       `''-...... -'
                                                         \ \._,\ '/
                                                          `--'  `
            by kd8bny v1.3.2 

LiMEaide is licensed under GPL-3.0
LiME is licensed under GPL-2.0

> Establishing secure connection [email protected]
Would you like to select a pre-generated profile [Y/n]n
> Sending LiME src to remote client
> Building loadable kernel module
> Detected arch-linux 4.12.13-1-ARCH x86_64
> Installing LKM and retrieving RAM
> Changing permissions
> Compressing image to Bzip2...This will take awhile
> Beam me up Scotty
Transfer of 'dump.lime.bz2' is at 12817057013/12817057013 bytes (100%)

Transfer of 'lime-arch-linux-4.12.13-1-ARCH-x86_64.ko' is at 871456/871456 bytes (100%)

> Memory extraction is complete

dump.lime is in ./output/2017_09_23T12_32_33_938869/                                                                                                                        
> Attempting to grab files for volatility profile
> Obtaining
> Obtaining symbols
  adding: 4.12.13-1-ARCH.dwarf (deflated 91%)
Profile generation complete run ' --info | grep Linux' to see your profile
> Cleaning up...
> Removing LKM...standby
> Done