Awesome é uma lista com as melhores ferramentas, softwares, bibliotecas e guias para desenvolvimento de projetos no ecossistema Node.js, ReactJS e React Native.
Esse Awesome é em português para desenvolvedores, principalmente iniciantes, que tem dificuldades com a língua inglesa, pois a maioria dos Awesomes são em inglês. Mas lembrando de que o domínio do inglês é de extrema importância.
Esse não é um Awesome para adicionar todas as bibliotecas e ferramentas disponíveis, mas sim tentar encontrar as melhores de cada contexto.
- Acesso Remoto no Servidor
- APIs
- Automação de Aplicativos
- Avatares
- Awesomes
- Banco de dados
- Browsers
- Clientes de API
- Coberturas de Teste
- Contêineres
- Controles de Versão
- Cores
- Documentações
- Documentações de API
- E-mails
- Editores de Código
- Emuladores
- Erros
- Fontes
- Gerenciadores de Dependências NPM
- Gerenciadores de Pacotes
- Gerenciadores de Pacotes Node.js
- Gerenciadores de Projetos
- Gerenciadores de Senhas
- Ícones
- IDEs
- Imagens
- Inspetores de Aplicativo
- Inspiração de Design
- Kits de Desenvolvimento
- Linguagens de Programação
- Mapas
- Máquinas Virtuais
- Monitoramento de Sistemas
- Notificações Push
- Orquestração de Contêineres
- PaaS
- Plataformas de Comunicação
- Plataformas de Desenvolvimento
- Runtime
- Servidores
- Servidores Web
- Serviços de Armazenamento
- Serviços de Monitoramento de Arquivos
- Sistemas Operacionais
- Temas
- Terminais
- Virtualização de Macs
- Guia - Configuração de Ambiente
- CodeSnap
- Color Highlight
- DotEnv
- Dracula Official
- Edge Template Support
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- Error Lens
- ESLint
- GitLens - Git supercharged
- GraphQL
- Import Cost
- Live Sass Compiler
- Live Server
- Live Share
- Markdown All in One
- Material Icon Theme
- Nunjucks
- Omni
- Path Intellisense
- Pomodoro Timer
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Prisma
- Rocketseat React Native
- Rocketseat ReactJS
- SCSS Formatter
- Settings Sync
- SQLite
- Todo Tree
- Todo+
- VSCode Icons
- VSCode Styled-Components
- Blush
- Death to Stock
- DrawKit
- FancyCrave
- Freerange
- Glaze
- Gratisography
- ISO Republic
- Jay Mantri
- Kaboompics
- LibreShot
- Life of Pix
- Negative Space
- New Old Stock
- Pexels
- Picjumbo
- Pixabay
- removebg
- Splitshire
- Startup Stock Photos
- Stokpic
- unDraw
- Unsplash
- @babel-plugin-proposal-class-properties
- @babel/core
- @babel/polyfill
- @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
- @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
- @babel/preset-env
- @babel/preset-react
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- @emotion/react
- @expo-google-fonts/archivo
- @expo-google-fonts/poppins
- @expo-google-fonts/roboto
- @expo-google-fonts/ubuntu
- @material-ui/docs
- @material-ui/icons
- @material-ui/lab
- @material-ui/styles
- @material-ui/system
- @prisma/cli
- @react-native-picker/picker
- @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
- @react-navigation/native
- @react-navigation/stack
- @sentry/node
- @types/cors
- @types/express
- @types/hapi__joi
- @types/jest
- @types/multer
- @types/node
- @types/react-leaflet
- @types/react-router-dom
- @types/styled-components
- @unform/core
- @unform/mobile
- @unform/web
- i18n
- AdminBro
- Adonis ACL
- Adonis Antl
- Adonis Kue Provider
- Adonis Lucid
- Adonis Lucid Slugify
- Adonis Mail
- Adonis Validator
- AdonisJs Cli
- AdonisJs Redis
- Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for JavaScript
- Amplify UI React
- ansi-regex
- Ant Design
- anymatch
- apiDoc
- Apollo
- Apollo Client
- apollo-boost
- apollo-link-http
- appcenter-cli
- availity-reactstrap-validation
- AWS Amplify
- AWS SDK for JavaScript
- Axios
- axios-mock-adapter
- axios-retry
- Babel Loader
- Babel Root Import
- babel-eslint
- babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node
- babel-plugin-react-transform
- babel-plugin-styled-components
- bcrypt.js
- Bee-Queue
- Blitz
- Bluebird
- Blur
- Bootstrap
- Bot Builder for Node.js
- Browsersync
- Bull
- bunyan
- CameraRoll
- celebrate
- CEP Promise
- Chakra UI
- Chart.js
- class-validator
- Classnames
- Clean plugin for webpack
- Clipboard
- CodeceptJS
- CodeMirror
- color
- color-convert
- Commitizen
- Connect Flash
- Connect Loki
- Connect Redis
- Connected React Router
- Consign
- cookie-parser
- copy-webpack-plugin
- cote
- Create React App
- create-react-library
- cross-env
- CSS Loader
- css-vendor
- currency.js
- customize-cra
- Cypress
- Danger
- date-fns
- date-fns-tz
- date-io
- debug
- del
- Detox
- Device Information
- Dialogflow Fulfillment Library
- Dialogflow: Node.js Client
- diff-match-patch
- Discord.js
- Docusaurus
- dotenv
- download-git-repo
- Dropzone.js Component for React
- Ducks
- Ejs
- Electron
- Electron Forge
- Electron Packager
- electron-builder
- electron-store
- emoji-regex
- Enzyme
- enzyme-adapter-react-16
- escape-string-regexp
- ESLint
- ESLint plugin for React Native
- eslint-config-airbnb
- eslint-config-prettier
- eslint-import-resolver-babel-plugin-root-import
- eslint-plugin-html
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-import-helpers
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-prettier
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks
- Expo CLI
- expo-constants
- expo-font
- expo-linear-gradient
- expo-location
- expo-mail-composer
- expo-status-bar
- Express
- Express Async Handler
- Express Gateway
- Express Handlebars
- Express Handlebars plugin for Nodemailer
- Express Rate Limit
- Express Session
- Express Validation
- express-brute
- express-brute-redis
- express-http-proxy
- express-jwt
- express-status-monitor
- express-winston
- ExpressJS Async Errors
- Fabric.js
- factory-girl
- Faker.js
- fast-xml-parser
- FastImage
- File Loader
- filefy
- Firebase
- Firebase CLI
- Flatpickr
- Font Awesome
- Font Awesome Free
- forever
- Formik
- Formik Material-UI
- Formik Material-UI Pickers
- Friendly-errors-webpack-plugin
- FullCalendar Core Package
- FullCalendar Day Grid Plugin
- FullCalendar Interaction Plugin
- FullCalendar React Component
- Galio
- Gatsby
- gatsby-cli
- gatsby-plugin-styled-components
- gatsby-transformer-remark
- Geocoder
- Geolocation
- Ghost
- Ghost-CLI
- Glide.js
- Glob
- Google Map React
- GraphQL ISO Date
- GraphQL.js
- graphql-tag
- Grommet
- Gulp
- gulp-autoprefixer
- gulp-clean-css
- gulp-header
- gulp-plumber
- gulp-rename
- gulp-sass
- gulp-uglify
- Helmet
- Heroku CLI
- history
- HTML Loader
- HTML Webpack Plugin
- HTTP Status codes for Node
- http-proxy-middleware
- Husky
- Immer
- InMemoryCache
- Insomnia Documenter
- Intl.js
- ioredis
- Jasmine
- Jest
- jest-dom
- jest-localstorage-mock
- jest-native
- Joi
- joi-to-swagger
- jQuery
- jQuery Easing Plugin
- JSON Server
- Json Web Token
- jsPDF-AutoTable
- jss
- JW React Pagination Component
- knex.js
- kraken.js
- Kue
- LCOV Result Merger
- Leaflet
- Lerna
- Leva
- lint-staged
- lite-server
- Lodash
- Lottie for React Native
- Mapbox Maps SDK for React Native
- Mapbox Maps SDK for React Native
- MariaDB Node.js connector
- material-table
- Material-UI
- Material-UI pickers
- MaterializeCSS
- merge-stream
- micromatch
- mini-css-extract-plugin
- mkdirp
- MobX
- mobx-state-tree
- Modalize
- Moleculer
- Moment
- Mongoose
- Mongoose Paginate
- morgan
- Motion
- Moveable
- Multer
- mysql
- n8n
- Native Testing Library
- NativeBase
- Netinfo
- Next.js
- Nivo
- Node MySQL 2
- Node Redis
- node-coveralls
- node-cron
- node-fetch
- node-ftp
- node-http-proxy
- node-ignore
- node-loggly
- node-mssql
- node-printer
- node-sass
- Nodemailer
- Nodemon
- normalizr
- Notifee - React Native
- Nunjucks
- Nunjucks Date Filter
- Nunjucks Date Filter Local
- nyc
- OpenAPI Generator
- optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin
- JavaScript
- Particles.js
- Path-to-RegExp
- PDFKit
- pdfmake
- Performant array to tree
- pg
- Pg-generator
- pg-hstore
- Picker
- pino
- PM2
- Paper
- PeerJS
- polished
- Popper
- Prettier
- prettier-eslint
- Prisma
- prop-types
- Proton Native
- Puppeteer
- Rambdax
- Ramda
- Rate Limit Redis
- rate-limiter-flexible
- Raven-node
- rc-calendar
- rc-switch
- React
- React Apollo
- React Apollo - Hooks
- React Audio Player
- React Calendar Heatmap
- React Carousel Image Gallery
- React Color
- React Contextmenu
- React Credit Cards
- React Date Picker
- React DnD
- React DnD HTML5 Backend
- React Dragula
- React Feather Icons
- React Google Tag Manager Module
- React Helmet
- React Hook Form
- React Icons
- React Image Crop
- React IMask Plugin
- React Intl
- React jvectormap
- React Loadable
- React Measure
- React Native
- React Native Apple Authentication
- React Native Async Storage
- React Native Awesome Alerts
- React Native BLE PLX
- React Native Calendars
- React Native Camera
- React Native Chart Kit
- React Native DateTimePicker
- React Native Elements
- React Native Emoji
- React Native FBSDK
- React Native Firebase
- React Native Floating Action
- React Native for macOS
- React Native for Windows
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Native Hold Menu
- React Native Image Crop Picker
- React Native Image Picker
- React Native Loading Spinner Overlay
- React Native MaskedView
- React Native Material UI
- React Native Modals
- React Native Module for CodePush
- React Native Navigation Bar Color Change
- React Native Notifications
- React Native Permissions
- React Native Push Notifications
- React Native Quick Actions
- React Native Redux Toast
- React Native Share
- React Native Shimmer Placeholder
- React Native Smooth Picker
- React Native Star Rating Component
- React Native Stories View
- React Native Tab View
- React Native Touch ID
- React Native Vector Icons
- React Native WebView
- React Navigation
- React Navigation Drawer
- React Navigation Stack
- React Navigation Tabs
- React Popper
- React Query
- React Redux
- React Scroll
- React Slider
- React Syntax Highlighter
- React Table
- React Testing Library
- react virtualized
- react-app-polyfill
- react-app-rewired
- react-avatar-editor
- react-beautiful-dnd
- react-big-calendar
- React-Bootstrap
- react-bootstrap-table
- react-bootstrap-table-next
- react-bootstrap-table2-editor
- react-bootstrap-table2-filter
- react-bootstrap-table2-overlay
- react-bootstrap-table2-paginator
- react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit
- React-Calendar
- react-chartjs-2
- react-codemirror2
- react-currency-format
- react-devtools
- react-docgen
- react-dom
- react-dropzone
- react-fast-compare
- react-helmet-async
- react-highlight-words
- react-input-mask
- react-lazyload
- React-Leaflet
- react-loading
- react-map-gl
- react-modal
- React-Motion
- React-Native Masked-Text
- react-native-action-button
- react-native-appearance
- react-native-app-intro-slider
- react-native-background-fetch
- react-native-bootsplash
- react-native-cached-image
- react-native-cardview
- react-native-circular-progress
- react-native-cli
- react-native-collapsible
- react-native-collapsing-toolbar
- react-native-config
- react-native-country-picker-modal
- react-native-dropdownalert
- react-native-easy-toast
- react-native-file-viewer
- react-native-fs
- react-native-fullwidth-image
- react-native-geocoding
- react-native-geolocation-service
- react-native-get-random-values
- react-native-google-places-autocomplete
- react-native-iphone-x-helper
- react-native-linear-gradient
- react-native-localize
- react-native-maps
- react-native-maps-directions
- react-native-modal
- react-native-modal-datetime-picker
- react-native-modal-selector
- react-native-modalbox
- react-native-multi-slider
- react-native-multithreading
- react-native-offline
- react-native-onesignal
- react-native-parallax-scroll-view
- react-native-picker-select
- react-native-progress
- react-native-pull-refresh
- react-native-qrcode
- react-native-qrcode-scanner
- react-native-qrcode-svg
- react-native-raw-bottom-sheet
- react-native-reanimated
- react-native-rename
- react-native-responsive-screen
- react-native-root-siblings
- react-native-root-toast
- react-native-safe-area-context
- react-native-screens
- react-native-side-menu
- react-native-simple-toast
- react-native-size-matters
- react-native-slider
- react-native-snap-carousel
- react-native-status-bar-height
- react-native-step-indicator
- react-native-svg
- react-native-svg-charts
- react-native-swift
- react-native-swipe-list-view
- react-native-swiper
- react-native-toast-message
- react-native-track-player
- react-native-tvos
- react-native-sqlite-storage
- react-native-view-more-text
- react-native-web
- react-number-format
- react-paginate
- React-PDF
- React-pdf
- React-Perfect-Scrollbar
- react-redux-toastr
- React-Resizable
- react-router-dom
- react-router-native
- React-Select
- react-slick
- react-sound
- react-spring
- react-stripe-elements
- react-switch
- react-tabs
- react-tagsinput
- react-toastify
- react-transition-group
- reactotron-react-js
- reactotron-react-native
- reactotron-redux
- reactotron-redux-saga
- Reactour
- reactstrap
- realm
- Recharts
- Recoil
- recompose
- RecyclerListView
- ReDoc
- Redux
- Redux Logger
- Redux Offline
- Redux Offline
- Redux Persist
- Redux Phoenix
- Redux Thunk
- Redux Toolkit
- Redux-First Router
- redux-localstorage
- redux-logic
- redux-mock-store
- redux-observable
- redux-offline-queue
- Redux-Saga
- redux-storage
- redux-undo
- reduxsauce
- Remote Redux DevTools
- RemoteDev
- RemoteDev Server
- require-directory
- requireDir
- Reselect
- rewire
- rimraf
- RocketPWA
- RxJS
- Sass
- Sass Loader
- Scroll Bottom Sheet
- seamless-immutable
- Sequelize
- Sequelize-Auto
- sequelize-auto-migrations
- sequelize-binary-uuid
- sequelize-cli
- sequelize-json-schema
- serve
- serve-favicon
- serverless
- Session File Store
- sharp
- shortid
- Sizeme
- Slider
- sqlite3
- Storybook
- Storybook Centered Decorator
- Storybook CLI
- Storybook Info Addon
- Stripe Node.js Library
- Style Loader
- styled-components
- stylelint
- Sucrase
- Sucrase Jest plugin
- SuperTest
- Swagger UI Express
- swagger-jsdoc
- Swiper
- Tailwind CSS
- tailwind-rn
- Tedious
- terser-webpack-plugin
- Tesseract.js
- Text Mask
- Theme UI
- TS Node
- ts-node-dev
- TypeGraphQL
- TypeORM
- TypeScript
- UglifyJS Webpack Plugin
- Umzug
- unform
- use-context-selector
- use-debounce
- uuid
- validator.js
- Victory
- Victory Native
- ViewPager
- Watermelon DB
- web-vitals
- webpack
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer
- Webpack Hot Middleware
- webpack-cli
- webpack-dev-server
- Why Did You Render
- Windows-Build-Tools
- winston
- XRegExp
- yaml.js
- Yargs
- Youch
- Yup
- Adobe XD
- Balsamiq Wireframes
- Contrast Checker
- Figma
- Grid.Guide
- Grid Calculator
- InVision
- Marvel
- Maze
- Miro
- Sketch
- Whimsical
- Zeplin
Instalação e Configuração do Terminal
Instalação do Gerenciador de Pacotes
Ambiente Android
1. Instalação do React Native
2. Instalação do JDK
3. Instalação das Libs Gráficas -
1. Instalação do Watchman
2. Instalação do React Native
3. Instalação do JDK -
1. Instalação do Python
2. Instalação do JDK
3. Instalação do React Native -
4. Instalação e Configuração do Android SDK
5. Instalação e Configuração do Android Studio
Ambiente iOS
- OS X
1. Instalação do React Native
2. Instalação do XCode
- OS X
Este projeto está sob a licença MIT. Consulte a LICENÇA para obter mais informações.
Desenvolvido com 💚 por Osvaldo Kalvaitir Filho