LimeStyle is a Sublime plugin that performs checkstyle according to CS1331's stylesheet.
The results of the checkstyle operation are displayed in Sublime's gutter.
LimeStyle will be installable via Package Control (once this plugin is approved). Until then, this project (as a folder) can be downloaded and placed into "/sublime-text-3/Packages"
JAVA must be accessible from the command line. To see if it is accessible, run from command prompt or the terminal (on Linux and OSX):
java -version
If the version shows up, this plugin can be used.
LimeStyle can be run either by navigating to "Tools > LimeStyle" in the menu bar.
Press "ctrl+shift+P" to open the command palette. Type in "Checkstyle 1331" or
"Javadoc 1331" and hit "Enter".
View the .sublime-commands file and set up keybindings according to your preferences.
IMPORTANT: LimeStyle will be performed on all open .java files. These .java
files will also be automatically saved.
This is available under the GNU Lesser Greater Public License (see LICENSE.txt). The source code for the checkstyle jar used in this project can be found here.