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Ros wrapper for the ZED Stereo Camera SDK

This sample is designed to work with the ZED stereo camera only and requires the ZED SDK. For more information:

This wrapper also requires the PCL library

This sample is a wrapper for the ZED library in order to use the ZED Camera with ROS. It can provide the camera images, the depth map, a 3D textured point cloud, and the odometry given by the ZED tracking. Published topics:

  • /camera/point_cloud/cloud
  • /camera/depth/camera_info
  • /camera/depth/image_rect_color
  • /camera/left/camera_info
  • /camera/left/image_rect_color
  • /camera/rgb/camera_info
  • /camera/rgb/image_rect_color
  • /camera/odom

A set of parameters can be specified in the launch file provided in the launch directory.

  • zed.launch

The zed_ros_wrapper is a catkin package made to run on ROS Indigo, and depends on the following ROS packages:

  • tf2_ros
  • nav_msgs
  • roscpp
  • rosconsole
  • sensor_msgs
  • opencv
  • image_transport
  • dynamic_reconfigure

Build the program

Place the package folder "zed_wrapper" in your catkin workspace source folder "~/catkin_ws/src"

Open a terminal :

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source ./devel/setup.bash

Run the program

Open a terminal to launch the wrapper:

$ roslaunch zed_wrapper zed.launch

Open an other terminal to display images:

$ rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/rgb/image_rect_color

If you want to see the point cloud, lauch rviz with the following command. Then click on add (bottom left), select the By Topic tab, select point_cloud->cloud->PointCloud2 and click OK.

$ rosrun rviz rviz

Note that rviz isn't very good at displaying a camera feed and a point cloud at the same time. You should use an other instance of rviz or the rosrun command.

To visualize the odometry in rviz, select the Add button, and select the odom topic under the By topic tab.

*Important: By default rviz is badly displaying the odometry, be sure to set it up correctly by opening the newly created Odometry object in the left list, and by setting Position Tolerance and Angle Tolerance to 0, and Keep to 1. *

You can also see the point could fused with the odometry by subscribing to the 'odom' topic (even in an other rviz or an other node).

To change your referential, use the 'Fixed Frame' parameter at the top-left of rviz.

Launch file parameters

Parameter Description Value
svo_file SVO filename path to an SVO file
resolution ZED Camera resolution '0': HD2K
_ _ '1': HD1080
_ _ '2': HD720
_ _ '3': VGA
quality Disparity Map quality '0': NONE
_ _ '2': MEDIUM
_ _ '3': QUALITY
sensing_mode Depth sensing mode '0': FILL
_ _ '1': STANDARD
openni_depth_mode Convert depth to 16bit in millimeters '0': 32bit float meters
_ _ '1': 16bit uchar millimeters
frame_rate Rate at which images are published int
rgb_topic Topic to which rgb==default==left images are published string
rgb_cam_info_topic Topic to which rgb==default==left camera info are published string
rgb_frame_id ID specified in the rgb==default==left image message header string
left_topic Topic to which left images are published string
left_cam_info_topic Topic to which left camera info are published string
left_frame_id ID specified in the left image message header string
right_topic Topic to which right images are published string
right_cam_info_topic Topic to which right camera info are published string
right_frame_id ID specified in the right image message header string
depth_topic Topic to which depth map images are published string
depth_cam_info_topic Topic to which depth camera info are published string
depth_frame_id ID specified in the depth image message header string
point_cloud_topic Topic to which point clouds are published string
cloud_frame_id ID specified in the point cloud message header string
odometry_topic Topic to which odometry is published string
odometry_frame_id ID specified in the odometry message header string
odometry_transform_frame_id Name of the transformation following the odometry string


ROS wrapper for the ZED SDK







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  • C++ 91.2%
  • CMake 7.2%
  • Other 1.6%