TOML::Parser - simple toml parser
use TOML::Parser;
my $parser = TOML::Parser->new;
my $data = $parser->parse($toml);
TOML::Parser is a simple toml parser.
This data structure complies with the tests provided at
The v0.4.0 specification is supported.
my $parser = TOML::Parser->new(\%args)
Creates a new TOML::Parser instance.
use TOML::Parser; # create new parser my $parser = TOML::Parser->new();
Arguments can be:
If use it, You can replace inflate
process. The subroutine of default isidentity
.e.g.) sub { $_[0] }
use TOML::Parser; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::ISO8601; # create new parser my $parser = TOML::Parser->new( inflate_datetime => sub { my $dt = shift; return DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($dt); }, );
If use it, You can replace inflate boolean process. The return value of default subroutine is
.use TOML::Parser; # create new parser my $parser = TOML::Parser->new( inflate_boolean => sub { my $boolean = shift; return $boolean eq 'true' ? 1 : 0; }, );
TOML::Parser is using a more flexible rule for compatibility with old TOML of default. If make this option true value, You can parse a toml with strict rule.
use TOML::Parser; # create new parser my $parser = TOML::Parser->new( strict_mode => 1 );
my $data = $parser->parse_file($path)
my $data = $parser->parse_fh($fh)
my $data = $parser->parse($src)
Transforms a string containing toml to a perl data structure or vice versa.
Copyright (C) karupanerura.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
karupanerura [email protected]
Olivier Mengué [email protected] yowcow [email protected] Syohei YOSHIDA [email protected]