A library to convert between AQI value and pollutant concentration (µg/m³ or ppm) using the following algorithms:
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- China Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP)
- European Common Air Quality Index (CAQI)
$ pip install python-aqi
Convert a pollutant to its IAQI (Intermediate Air Quality Index):
import aqi myaqi = aqi.to_iaqi(aqi.POLLUTANT_PM25, '12', algo=aqi.ALGO_EPA)
Get an AQI out of several pollutant concentrations, default algorithm is EPA:
import aqi myaqi = aqi.to_aqi([ (aqi.POLLUTANT_PM25, '12'), (aqi.POLLUTANT_PM10, '24'), (aqi.POLLUTANT_O3_8H, '0.087') ])
Convert an IAQI to its pollutant concentration:
import aqi mycc = aqi.to_cc(aqi.POLLUTANT_PM25, '22', algo=aqi.ALGO_EPA)
List supported algorithms and pollutants:
$ aqi -l aqi.algos.epa: pm10 (µg/m³), o3_8h (ppm), co_8h (ppm), no2_1h (ppb), o3_1h (ppm), so2_1h (ppb), pm25 (µg/m³) aqi.algos.mep: no2_24h (µg/m³), so2_24h (µg/m³), no2_1h (µg/m³), pm10 (µg/m³), o3_1h (µg/m³), o3_8h (µg/m³), so2_1h (µg/m³), co_1h (mg/m³), pm25 (µg/m³), co_24h (mg/m³)
Convert PM2.5 to IAQI using EPA algorithm:
$ aqi aqi.algos.epa pm25:12 39
Convert pollutants concentrations to AQI using EPA algorithm:
$ aqi aqi.algos.epa pm25:40.9 o3_8h:0.077 co_1h:8.4 104
Convert pollutants concentrations to AQI using EPA algorithm, display IAQIs:
$ aqi -v aqi.algos.epa pm25:40.9 o3_8h:0.077 co_1h:8.4 pm25:102 o3_8h:104 co_1h:90 104
To install the development environment:
$ pip install -r dev_requirements.txt
Test the package:
$ python -m unittest discover
Automatic testing in various environments:
$ tox
Use bumpr to release the package:
$ bumpr -b -m
EPA AQI: Technical Assistance Document for the Reporting of Daily Air Quality – the Air Quality Index (AQI) December 2013) found at http://www.epa.gov/airnow/aqi-technical-assistance-document-dec2013.pdf
National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter found at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-01-15/pdf/2012-30946.pdf
- GB3095—2012 (2012/02/29) found at http://www.mep.gov.cn/gkml/hbb/bwj/201203/t20120302_224147.htm
- HJ633-2012 (2012/02/29) found at http://www.zzemc.cn/em_aw/Content/HJ633-2012.pdf
CAQI: CAQI Air quality index https://www.airqualitynow.eu/download/CITEAIR-Comparing_Urban_Air_Quality_across_Borders.pdf
python-aqi is published under a BSD 3-clause license, see the LICENSE file distributed with the project.