- Retrieve all variables defined by make command by python
- Expand make type variables
in string
Package allow you to access any symbol defined in make. It might be helpful to transfer your Makefile based project to different one.
pip install make_var
How to use package:
- just create simple Makefile containing variables H and W
H = hello
W = world
- next create python file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from make_var import *
M=make_vars(origin=['makefile']) # retrieve only data defined in makefiles
print(M['makefile']['H'], M['makefile']['W'])
execute it and you get
hello world
- to get all variables that
uses just write
M=make_vars(origin=None) # all variables
print(M.keys()) # print all origins
output is
['environment', "'override'", 'automatic', 'makefile', 'default']
Example to replace $(var) by definition from Makefile
- use same Makefile as before
- edit python file
print(make_expand(M,"$(H) $(W)")) # replaces $(H) with "hello" and $(W) with "word"
you get
hello world
package is based on GNU make command
make -pnB