Releases: karma4u101/FoBo
Lift Module - FoBo v2.1.1 for Lift v3.3
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.1.1 for Lift v3.3 / Scala v2.11 and v2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/.
For more information on its content see the v2.1.1 section in CHANGELOG.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.1 for Lift v3.3
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.1 for Lift v3.3 / Scala v2.11 and v2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/.
For more information on its content see the 2.1 section in CHANGELOG.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.0 for Lift v3.3
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
This release adds Lift v3.3 to supported releases.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.0 for Lift v3.0 / v3.1 / v3.2 / v3.3 / Scala v2.11 and v2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/.
As this is a major number update release it has some breaking changes, most notably, but easy to fix, is the naming changes in module initiation and some deprecation clean-ups.
FoBo continues it's easy migration path strategy by among other things adding Bootstrap v4 to its v2 and v3 support and adding updated Font Awesome versions and so on. For more information on its content see the 2.0 section in CHANGELOG.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.0 for Lift v3.x
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v2.0 for Lift v3.0 / v3.1 / v3.2 / Scala v2.11 and v2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/.
As this is a major number update release it has some breaking changes, most notably, but easy to fix, is the naming changes in module initiation and some deprecation clean-ups.
FoBo continues it's easy migration path strategy by among other things adding Bootstrap v4 to its v2 and v3 support and adding updated Font Awesome versions and so on. For more information on its content see the 2.0 section in CHANGELOG.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7 for Lift v3.1
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7 for Lift v3.1 / Scala v2.11 and v2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/.
This release adds FoBo v1.7 support for Lift v3.1. For more information on its content see the 1.7 section in CHANGELOG.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7 / Scala 2.12
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7 for Lift 3.0 / Scala 2.12 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. The following is extracted from the 1.7 section in CHANGELOG.
FoBo v1.7
Buildsystem update
As SBT 1.0 won't support Build.scala usage see sbt/sbt#2524
the 'object XXXX extend Build {...}' usage has been greatly reduced and is now using the build.sbt
multi-project build style, the only thing left dependant on Build is two lift module specific settings keys.
The build system is now much cleaner and easier to work with.
- Multi-project build now using build.sbt style
- unidoc is now a proper sbt plugin
- scalafmt FoBo is now using the Scalafmt code formatter sbt plugin
Updated modules
- FoBo-AngularJS Material Design Adds v1.1.1 - Angular Material
- FoBo-TwBs-Bootstrap3 Adds v3.3.7 - Bootstrap 3.x
- FoBo-JQuery Adds v2.2.4, v3.0.0, v3.1.0 - JQuery
- FoBo-JQuery-Migrate Adds v1.4.1, v3.0.0 - JQuery-Migrate
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.7 for Lift 2.6.x and 3.0 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. The following is extracted from the 1.7 section in CHANGELOG.
FoBo v1.7
Buildsystem update
As SBT 1.0 won't support Build.scala usage see sbt/sbt#2524
the 'object XXXX extend Build {...}' usage has been greatly reduced and is now using the build.sbt
multi-project build style, the only thing left dependant on Build is two lift module specific settings keys.
The build system is now much cleaner and easier to work with.
- Multi-project build now using build.sbt style
- unidoc is now a proper sbt plugin
- scalafmt FoBo is now using the Scalafmt code formatter sbt plugin
Updated modules
- FoBo-AngularJS Material Design Adds v1.1.1 - Angular Material
- FoBo-TwBs-Bootstrap3 Adds v3.3.7 - Bootstrap 3.x
- FoBo-JQuery Adds v2.2.4, v3.0.0, v3.1.0 - JQuery
- FoBo-JQuery-Migrate Adds v1.4.1, v3.0.0 - JQuery-Migrate
Lift Module - FoBo v1.6
FoBo - A Modular Front-End Toolkit Assembly for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo.
Lift Module - FoBo v1.6 for Lift 2.6.x and 3.0 is released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. The following is extracted from the 1.6 section in CHANGELOG.
FoBo v1.6
New Features
Splitting FoBo modules into Toolkit modules composed of a Resource module and a API module.
Making it possible to, in your project depend on artifacts including everything from a single FoBo
provided resource module one or more API or resource module(s) or as before one or more Toolkit
modules or via the FoBo/FoBo module get access to all of FoBo's Toolkit, Resource and API modules.
The FoBoToolkit and FoBoJQuery trait's has been deprecated in favour for using the new Toolkit,
API and Resource trait's and case objects.
To aide in Lift 3 enhanced support for a strong CSP (Content Security Policy) FoBo utilize Lifts page script file's, to avoid inlining of javascript, by providing new or alternative API functions for script injection.
New modules
- FoBo-HighlightJS Adds v9.3.0 - highlight.js
Syntax highlighting for the Web - Packaged with 21 languages (inc Scala) and 70+ styles.
Updated modules
- FoBo-Pace Adds v1.0.2 - Pace
- FoBo-Font-Awesome Adds v4.6.3 - Font Awesome
- FoBo-AngularJS core modules Adds v1.5.3 - AngularJS
- FoBo-AngularJS Material Design Adds v1.0.8 - Angular Material
Lift Module - FoBo v1.5.1
UPDATE: Upgrade to this release is only relevant if you plan to use FoBo's MaterialMegaMetaProtoUser for BootstrapMegaMetaProtoUser and all other FoBo functions you should be able to use FoBo v1.5
FoBo - A Comprehensive Front-End Toolkit Module for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo
Lift Module - FoBo v1.5.1 for Lift 2.6.2 and 3.0 released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. FoBo v1.5.1 is a bug fix release. The following is extracted from the 1.5.1 section in CHANGELOG.
FoBo v1.5.1
Bug Fixes
- Missing context part of path for recover password link in login form (closes #60)
Lift Module - FoBo v1.5
FoBo - A Comprehensive Front-End Toolkit Module for Lift. For a introduction see FoBo demo
Lift Module - FoBo v1.5 for Lift 2.6.2 and 3.0 released to Sonatype net/liftmodules/. The following is extracted from the 1.5 section in CHANGELOG.
New features in FoBo v1.5
FoBo v1.5 has the following new sub modules
- FoBo-AngularJS UI Grid Adds v3.0.7 - Angular UI Grid.
A data grid for AngularJS. Native AngularJS implementation, no jQuery. This is the successor of NG Grid (also available via FoBo)
FoBo v1.5 has updates to the following sub modules
- FoBo-AngularJS Material Design Adds v1.0.1 - Angular Material.
- FoBo-TwBs-Bootstrap3 Adds v3.3.6 - Bootstrap 3.x
- FoBo-AngularJS core modules Adds v1.4.8 - AngularJS.
For a list of already available toolkit versions see respective sub modules README.
You can see a running demo of a Lift Template application using Material Design here.
FoBo v1.5 API updates
- FoBo v1.5 adds API integration with the MaterialMegaMetaProtoUser trait that adds Material Design styling to the ProtoUser form views.
- FoBo v1.5 adds a integration of angular material design tosts component with lift messages.
- For Lift 3.0 users FoBo has added complementary functions for handling script injection (bootstrap poppover,tooltip,...) and to avoid in-lining.
To aid in supporting a strong CSP (Content Security Policy) with LiftRules.securityRules settings those complementary functions avoids in-lining
of javascript by utilizing the Lift page script file's (new feature in Lift 3.0). FoBo API functions that utilize this mechanism has
names that ends with AppendJs or AppendGlobalJs.