HiFrog Version (Recent): https://scm.ti-edu.ch/projects/hifrog/repository?utf8=%E2%9C%93&rev=latticeref-v3-LBCEGAR
Homepage (Recent): http://verify.inf.usi.ch/content/lattice-refinement/
Tools required: HiFrog, OpenSMT, z3
HiFrog Version (for VSTTE 2018): https://scm.ti-edu.ch/projects/hifrog/repository?utf8=%E2%9C%93&rev=latticeref-v1-mod
Original results: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WjX8FKcLqg1apNxrHZzHxXWIKo7z9ZLI
Technical information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T19_XhHsbzaYJEWIqs-3ZAY_kfaMlQAUJtecDoHOE6U/edit?usp=sharing
Additional information: http://verify.inf.usi.ch/content/lattice-refinement
Tools required: HiFrog, OpenSMT, z3
HiFrog Version: https://scm.ti-edu.ch/projects/hifrog/repository?utf8=%E2%9C%93&rev=latticeref-v2-trigo
Original results: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DMBgkJEOmxYlxVAsUlxUsHedhKH-6ly2
Technical information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fXPdNhqfgnHOx1eg4zjEyXKuWS-D0EsXcoB0fM5XpDc/edit?usp=sharing
Additional information and evaluation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QthdYYhUBNJMfJ6CNcrJZ_M03BWWIp-c?usp=sharing
General options for LB-CEGAR in HiFrog:
- --no-cex: disable the heuristic on the choice of the successor in the sub-procedure traverseSAT(Lattices) which is done based on the current spurious counterexample CE
- --heuristic <n>: the refinement order and schema as described in SAT17' paper (Theory refinement functionality)
- --load-summaries <file1,file2,...>: the names of the files where the summaries representing a guarded literals per lattice are
- --load-sum-model <file1,file2,...>: the names of the files of the lattices
- --solver <solver>: either osmt or z3
- --solving-mode <mode>: either no, semi or inc (or non-, semi- or full-incremental mode of solving)
All data and benchmarks are available in our git repository: https://scm.ti-edu.ch/projects/hi-bench/repository/revisions/master/show/main-bench/lattice_summaries/trigonometric_ex
In addition, we put a copy of these files in Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QthdYYhUBNJMfJ6CNcrJZ_M03BWWIp-c?usp=sharing
All the lattices and the summaries are found in the following zip file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c2SXVoh1kQfuZlFZ7R1xE5GqrLIKE9Ex/view?usp=sharing
All the benchmarks are found: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XKcm590K6sUXzZVnoicyAdEprEFg2Tou/view?usp=sharing
We aware of some issues with the zip file of all our experimental results. In case you experience any problems, you can either access the folder in Google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18hQMN_jvOxdCGWM5Bj8iqHqPY8brFgeK?usp=sharing or email us: [email protected] and we can send any of the files, unzipped.
HiFrog has a support for 4 logics in SMT: qfuf, qflia, qflra, and prop. Lattice approach is implemented only for qfuf with OpenSMT, and qflia, qflra with Z3. The options are: --solver osmt, --solver z3 with solving mode: --solving-mode inc, --solving-mode semi, --solving-mode no, and logics: --logic qfuf, --logic qflra or --logic qflia.
The name of the input data refers in the following commands to LRA, to change it to LIA replace lra in lia, and to change it to EUF, replace lra in uf.
Run HiFrog
./hifrog <c-file> --logic <logic> --save-summaries __summaries --claim 1 --solver <solver>
Run HiFrog with Summaries
./hifrog <c-file> --logic <logic> --save-summaries __summaries --claim 1 --solver <solver> --solving-mode inc --no-slicing --load-summaries user_defined_summaries/__summaries_cos_lra_single,user_defined_summaries/__summaries_sin_lra_single,user_defined_summaries/__summaries_const_sin_cos --load-sum-model lattices/flat_cos_lattice_lra,lattices/flat_sin_lattice_lra
Run HiFrog with a Single Lattice
./hifrog <c-file> --logic <logic> --save-summaries __summaries --claim 1 --solver <solver> --solving-mode inc --no-slicing --load-summaries user_defined_summaries/__summaries_sin_lra --load-sum-model lattices/sin_lattice_lra
Run HiFrog with Multiple Lattices
./hifrog <c-file> --logic <logic> --save-summaries __summaries --claim 1 --solver <solver> --solving-mode inc --no-slicing --load-summaries user_defined_summaries/__summaries_cos_lra,user_defined_summaries/__summaries_sin_lra,user_defined_summaries/__summaries_const_sin_cos --load-sum-model lattices/cos_lattice_lra,lattices/sin_lattice_lra --no-error-trace