This is a simple websocket demo code adapted from Matt Makai's tutorial about Flask/Gevent Websocket. Chatterbot has been integrated on this project. MongoDB is used to contain the Chatbot intents
We will need a data storage for our Chat bot intents and replies. We will be using MongoDB. Make sure you have docker installed on your machine.
docker pull mongo
This will pull the latest image of mongo, and you now have a full blown mongo server :) Now let's set it up.
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name some-mongo -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mongo
This runs a container from the mongo image. Runs on -d (daemon or on background), exposes -p (port) 27017 of the container to your local machine. Naming --name the container to 'some-mongo' with environment variables -e, MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME and MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD, and finally referring to the mongo image.
Seed some initial values having this key pair format
"intent" : "Watcha doin?",
"reply" : "Exploring Python and Chatbot and MongoDB"
Make sure you have Python installed. I recommend using Anaconda and then install virtualenv.
Create a virtualenv On Windows
$ virtualenv flask_env
$ projectDirectory/flask_env/Scripts/activate
$ pip install -r requirements
$ source flask_env/Scripts/activate
#you should see the current virtualenv you are un
$ (flask_env)
$ python
Your page should be up and running at localhost:5000
I have added a css/js plugin to see the feel of "real" time notification and removed Redis from requirements.txt as I did not need Redis for this.
Plugin | Source |
NotifyJS | |
SocketIO | |
JQuery | jquery-1.12.0.min.js |
ChatterBot | |
MongoDB Docker Image | |
I have included the apache-pychat.conf to proxy pass the requests coming from localhost:5000(your python script) to be redirected to localhost. A shell script : has also been added to run gunicorn at the background and restart using supervisorctl should the app stop.
Happy Coding! :)