To run ascii game all you need to do is type python on cmd. left arrow key and right arrow key are used for changing direction of the copter, Space bar to launch bullets/missile. A character is put up on the left top corner of the screen and 5 tanks are placed on the ground level which have a number associated with it. Based on the ascii value of the character the player has to destroy the correct tank and will be awarded points after certain correct tanks bursts the speed of the copter increases.
To run this game type python On continuously pressing left or right key the bucket moves in the respective direction. Once the ball goes inside the bucket the score is updated and if the player misses certain number of balls then gameover.
To run this game type python You just have to set a word as your answer and can add a hint sentence if you want and the player has a specific number of lives after loosing all the them the player looses.
To run this game type python It's the standard snake game where you have snacks that you eat and grow in size , the 4 direction keys are to move in the respective directions and on getting in contact with a body part of itself or the boundary the snake dies.
You can make changes in game levels implement quitting conditions and add graphics as per your convinence.