Go language library to check Japanese holidays using NAOJ Calendar.
curl -s -H "X-goog-api-key: $JHOL_API_KEY" \
'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/2bk907eqjut8imoorgq1qa4olc%40group.calendar.google.com/events?showDeleted=false&singleEvents=true&orderBy=startTime&timeMin=2019-01-01T00:00:00Z&maxResults=100' \
| jq -c '.items[] | {start, summary}'
- Enable Google Calendar API.
- Create an API Key.
package main
import (
func parseDate(s string) time.Time {
d, _ := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", s, time.Local)
return d
func main() {
apiKey := os.Getenv("JHOL_API_KEY")
client := jhol.NewClient(apiKey).WithoutContext()
date := parseDate("2023-07-17")
h, _ := client.Get(date)
fmt.Println(h) //=> 2023-07-17 海の日
yes, _ := client.IsHoliday(date)
fmt.Println(yes) //=> true
yes, _ = client.IsTodayHoliday()
h, _ = client.Next(date)
fmt.Println(h) //=> 2023-07-17 海の日
holidays, _ := client.NextN(date, 3)
fmt.Println(holidays) //=> [2023-07-17 海の日 2023-08-11 山の日 2023-09-18 敬老の日]
holidays, _ = client.Between(date, parseDate("2023-08-11"))
fmt.Println(holidays) //=> [2023-07-17 海の日 2023-08-11 山の日]
brew install kanmu/tools/jhol
Usage: jhol --api-key=STRING <command>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--api-key=STRING Google API Key ($JHOL_API_KEY)
next --api-key=STRING [<n>]
Show next holidays.
is-holiday --api-key=STRING [<date>]
Check whether the specified date is a holiday.
Run "jhol <command> --help" for more information on a command.
$ export JHOL_API_KEY=...
$ jhol next
2023-07-17 海の日
2023-08-11 山の日
2023-09-18 敬老の日
$ jhol is-holiday 2023-07-17
$ jhol is-holiday # today
$ jhol next 5 -f '%Y/%m/%d(%a)'
2023/07/17(Mon) 海の日
2023/08/11(Fri) 山の日
2023/09/18(Mon) 敬老の日
2023/09/23(Sat) 秋分の日
2023/10/09(Mon) スポーツの日