Simple Project File Manager
git clone
1/ create composer.json add in your dir target download
manual create composer.json
"require" : {
"jc_programs/jc_file_manager": "^1.0"
create composer.json using window/CLI
echo { "require": {"jc_programs/jc_file_manager": "^1.0"} } > composer.json
2/ after create composer.json, next following command
composer require jc_programs/jc_file_manager
Load Index File
open config.json
"setting" :
"path" : "C:/xampp/htdocs",
"content_path" : "default",
"protocol" : "http://",
"host" : "localhost",
"default_file_read" : "txt",
"default_mime_type" : "text",
"text_highlight" : true
if you not using xampp apache server, replace default path with your localhost directory
if you want to load local no host, you can raplace path with your target directory.
"path" : "D:\\",
default mime type is text
you can add Manualy extension file in config.json
"mimeType" :
"type" :
"0" : "text",
"1" : "audio",
"2" : "video",
"3" : "image",
"4" : "folder",
"5" : "arcive"
"extensions" :
["php", "html", "css", "txt", "js", "jcm", "jc", "json", "md", "xls", "sql", "doc"],
["wav", "mp3", "oog"],
["mp4", "avi", "3gp", "webm"],
["jpg", "jpeg", "png"],
["rar", "zip", "apk", "gzip"]
this version 0.0.1 update, suport plugin texthighlight
"plugin" : {
"text_highlight" : "JC_DefaultTextHighLight"