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Pawel edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 8 revisions

Component stability: Beta


StdUi:Dropdown(parent, width, height, options, value, multi, assoc)


Note: Depends on Button, Scroll Widgets

Dropdown component is similar to HTML select element. It is nowhere near as complex as Blizzard UIDropDownMenu mostly because in usual cases you need something simple. UIDropDownMenu has meaning in context menus but does pretty poor job as simple select.

Main body of select is a Button and list of option is FauxScrollFrame. Unlike HTML select, option list will always match select width.


Argument Type Optional Description
parent Frame - Object that should be a parent
width number - Width of the panel
height number - Height of the panel
options table Y List of elements
value any Y Initial value of Dropdown
multi bool Default: false If you set this to true, dropdown will behave like multiselect
assoc bool Default: false If you use multiselect, this will turn dropdown to work with associative array mode instead of normal array

Associative array mode

Normally dropdown sets value to something like this:

{ 1, 2, 6 }

However if you set assoc param to true it will modify value table like this:

{ [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = false, [4] = false, [5] = false, [6] = true }


Options format

Options should be array of tables. Each option should have text and value. Each option may contain additional elements. value may be of any type however number or string is recommended.

WARNING: Widget will throw errors if you use complex values with associative mode.

Note: values should be of the same type across all options

local items = {
   {text = 'Test 1', value = 1}, -- First option
   {text = 'Test 2', value = 2, anyElement = 'Something'}, -- Second option


If dropdown is in single select mode. Value will be exactly what you put in options. For multiselects, value is array of toggled values ex:

local val = {1, 2, 3, 6};

For associative array mode:

local val = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [4] = false, [5] = false, [6] = true }


Function Returns Arguments Description
ShowOptions() - - Shows the option frame
HideOptions() - - Hides the option frame
ToggleOptions() - - Toggles the option frame
SetPlaceholder(placeholderText) - string Sets the placeholder text, a text that should be show when there is nothing selected
ToggleValue(value, state) - any, boolean Toggles the value of multiselect, only works if multi was set to true. state a boolean value indicates if value is selected or not
SetOptions(options) - table Sets the options table
SetValue(value, text) - any, string Sets the value of Dropdown, text is optional to text to display.
GetValue() any Gets the current value of Dropdown
FindValueText(value) string Finds the text of any value withing options table. If placeholder was set and value does not match anything from options, placeholder text will be returned.

Named children

Child Type Description
dropdown.multi bool Read only, indicates if dropdown is in multiselect mode
dropdown.assoc bool Indicates if dropdown is in associative mode, does nothing if dropdown is not multiselet
dropdown.text FontString FontString that is used as dropdown text
dropdown.dropTex Texture Arrow Texture on the right of dropdown
dropdown.options table Table of options
dropdown.optsFrame Texture Options FauxScrollFrame object
dropdown.optsFrame.scrollChild Frame Scroll Child frame (it holds all option buttons)
dropdown.optsFrame.scrollChild.items table Table of all option buttons

Because optsFrame is a FauxScrollFrame widget, please refer: Here for a detailed information.


local StdUi = LibStub('StdUi');

local window = StdUi:Window(UIParent, 300, 200, 'Title');

local items = {
	{text = 'test 1', value = 1},
	{text = 'test 2', value = 2},
	{text = 'test 3', value = 3},
	{text = 'test 4', value = 4},
	{text = 'test 5', value = 5},
	{text = 'test 6', value = 6},
	{text = 'test 7', value = 7},

local dd = StdUi:Dropdown(window, 200, 20, items, 2);

local items2 = {
	{text = 'test 4', value = 'one'},
	{text = 'test 2', value = 'two'},
	{text = 'test 3', value = 'three'},
	{text = 'test 4', value = 'four'},

local dd2 = StdUi:Dropdown(window, 200, 20, items2);
dd2:SetPlaceholder('-- Please Select --');
StdUi:GlueBelow(dd2, dd, 0, -20);

local items3 = {
	{text = 'test 4', value = 'one'},
	{text = 'test 2', value = 'two'},
	{text = 'test 3', value = 'three'},
	{text = 'test 4', value = 'four'},
	{text = 'test 5', value = 5},
	{text = 'test 6', value = 6},
	{text = 'test 7', value = 7},

-- multi select dropdown
local ddm = StdUi:Dropdown(window, 200, 20, items3, nil, true);
ddm:SetPlaceholder('-- This is a multiselect --');
StdUi:GlueBelow(ddm, dd2, 0, -20);
ddm.OnValueChanged = function(self, value)
	print('Dropdown Values: ', unpack(value));
	print('Dropdown Text: ', self:GetText());

local b = StdUi:Button(window, 60, 20, 'Random');
StdUi:GlueTop(b, window, 0, -40);
b:SetScript('OnClick', function()
	local x = math.random(2, 20);
	local opts = {};
	for i = 1, x do
		tinsert(opts, {text = 'test '.. i, value = i});