Plants monitoring and watering
Plants is composed of:
- A sensor monitoring system and water pumps controller, written in Python, that runs on Linux, likely a Pi:
- Some hardware including a Raspberry Pi hat, switches and sensors.
- Support for ADS1115 ADC, to read voltage level sensors such as standard 555-based capacitive moisture sensors.
- Support for chirp i2c sensors, reading temperature and moisture.
- Configuration and rule based watering:
- Triggering watering based on sensor humidity percentage.
- Watering limits per pump, persisted to disk.
- API to manually trigger watering.
- Export of sensor and pump data metrics to prometheus.
- API to poll running config and basic values.
# Plants configuration
# For prometheus, and API, listen on public interface:
port: 9191
# How frequently to poll
poll_interval: 5s
kind: 'chirp' # Got a chirp for temp metrics
kind: 'ads1115'
smbus: 1 # i2c BUS to reach the board, default 1 on rpi
i2c_address: 72 # Address of the ADS1115
enable_port: 9 # GPIO turning the group on
- Dragon tail: &cap_sensor
voltage_dry: 2.62 # This model has a better oscillator
voltage_wet: 1.23 # and calibrates differently.
port: 2
#- Sensor 1: &bad555_cap_sensor
# <<: *cap_sensor
# voltage_dry: 2.05 # Than this one, where they used an
# voltage_wet: 0.95 # ne555.
# port: 2
- Willows:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 3
- Small money trees:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 1
- Pothos:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 0
kind: 'ads1115'
smbus: 1 # i2c BUS to reach the board, default 1 on rpi
i2c_address: 72 # Address of the ADS1115
enable_port: 11 # GPIO turning the group on
- Money tree:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 3
- Lemon tree:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 2
- Bonsai soil:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 1
- Parlor palm:
<<: *cap_sensor
port: 0
# If configured, pump history is saved across restarts
# in sqlite3 db. Otherwise, in-memory watering limits
# are used.
pumps_history_db: /var/lib/plants/plants_pumps_state.db
- Plants to the left: # Pump 0
kind: 'gpio'
port: 10 # GPIO port activates pump on high
duration: 20s # Activate for 20s
limits: &pump_limits
- per_interval: 2w
duration: 40s
- per_interval: 300s
duration: 20s
- Money tree: 50%
- Pothos: 50%
- Shelf 1: # Pump 1
kind: 'gpio'
port: 17
duration: 20s
limits: *pump_limits
- Small money trees: 50%
- Parlor palm: 50%
- Dragon tail:
kind: 'gpio' # Pump 2
port: 22 # GPIO port activates pump on high
duration: 20s
limits: *pump_limits
- Dragon tail: 50%
- Shelf 2: # Pump 3
kind: 'gpio'
port: 27 # GPIO port activates pump on high
duration: 20s
limits: *pump_limits
- Lemon tree: 50%
- Willows: 60%
bash$ pip install -r requirements.txt
bash$ pip install --editable .
bash$ plants_server -c plants/plants.yaml
bash$ python -m unittest discover plants
bash$ black plants # auto format
bash$ pylint plants