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Kalisio geofencing service

geoKatcher is a service that allows to monitor geofences between two layers of geospatial data.
for now only the following sources are supported:

  • Kalisio Maps (Kano)

Using the feathers framework, and feathers-distributed extension.
GeoKatcher can discover Kano services and query them to retrieve layers and features. Additionally, it can publish its monitor service, allowing other services to interact with it and receive events.



Environment variables

Variable Description Defaults
PORT The port to be used when exposing the service 8080
HOSTNAME The hostname to be used when exposing the service localhost
DB_URL The url of the database mongodb://localhost:27017/geokatcher
BASE_URL The url used when exposing the service localhost:8080
API_PATH The path to the API


/healthcheck (GET)

Checks for the health of the service, returns a json object with the name of the service (geokatcher) and it's version number.


Method Endpoint Description
POST /monitor Create a new monitor
GET /monitor Get all the monitors
GET /monitor/:id Get a monitor by its id
PUT /monitor/:id Update a monitor by its id (complete)
PATCH /monitor/:id Update a monitor by its id (partial)
DELETE /monitor/:id Delete a monitor by its id

Monitor structure

A monitor is a JSON object with 3 main parts:

Part Description Type Presence
target The first layer to monitor Object Required
zone The second layer to monitor Object Required
monitor The monitor information Object Required

Layer Element

A layer element (either target or zone) is an object that specifies the layer to monitor and can include filters to select only a subset of the layer.

  "name": "layer1",
  "filter": {
    "" : "layer1name"
Field Description Type Presence
name The name (or id) of the layer to monitor String Required
filter An optional filter object (MongoDB query syntax) Object Optional, default : {}

The layer can be a user defined layer like layer1 or a built-in layer like hubeau_hydro (or Layers.HUBEAU_HYDRO)

Monitor Element

The monitor element is an object that contains the monitor information.

Field Description Type Constraints Presence
name The name of the monitor String Required
description The description of the monitor String Optional, default : ''
enabled if the monitor is enabled or not Boolean Optional, default : true
type The type of the monitor String event or cron or dryRun(Only on create) Required
trigger The trigger of the monitor Array or String array of events or a valid cron expression Required
evaluation The evaluation of the monitor (what should be the operation to do) Object Required
action The action of the monitor (what should be done when the monitor alert status changes) Object Optional, default : {}

⚠️ Even if no action is provided, the monitor will still emit an event on its feather-service when the monitor alert status changes.
⚠️ The dryRun option is a special type of monitor that allows you to test the monitor without actually saving it in the database, executing any actions, or emitting events.

in case of a dryRun, the following fields are not required :

  • name
  • trigger
// dryRun response
  "monitorObject" : {
    // The monitor object
  "result" : {
    // The features that are returned by the evaluation

⮑ Evaluation :

Field Description Type Constraints Presence
alertOn Alert if the data is inside or outside the geofence String data or noData Optional, default : data
type The type of the evaluation String geoWithin, geoIntersects or near Required
maxDistance The maximum distance to consider for the near evaluation Number > 0, only for the near type Optional, default : 1000
minDistance The minimum distance to consider for the near evaluation Number > 0, only for the near type Optional, default : 0

⮑ Action :

Field Description Type Constraints Presence
type The type of the action String slack-webhook, crisis-webhook, custom-request,no-webhook Optional, default : no-webhook
url The url of the action String valid url, Required when not no-webhook
cooldown The cooldown before next Still firing alert Number seconds >= 0 Optional, default : 60
additionalProperties Additional properties for the action Object only for crisis-webhook and custom-request type Required

⮑⮑ Additional Properties : (crisis-webhook)

Additional Properties (crisis-webhook)
Field Description Type Constraints Presence
organisation The organisation id String Required
token The token to interact with the crisis service String Required
data The data to send to the crisis service Object Required
⮑⮑⮑ Data :
Field Description Type Constraints Presence
name The name of the data String Optional, default : monitor name
description The description of the data String Optional, default : monitor description
template The template of the alert in crisis (id or name) String Required

⮑⮑ Additional Properties : (custom-request)

Additional Properties (custom-request)
Field Description Type Constraints Presence
method The method of the request String GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE Required
headers The headers of the request Object Optional, default : {}
body The body of the request Object Optional, default : {}

The custom-request action supports basic templating using the %_% syntax. placing :

  • %monitorName% in the url,body or headers will be replaced by the monitor name.
  • %monitorStatus% in the url,body or headers will be replaced by the monitor alert status.

Object representation

The object returned by the service will have the following structure:

  "_id": "6644cf4f83bf298f8a8bb1ba"       // id auto generated by the service
  "target": {
    "name": "layer1",
    "filter": {
      "": "layer1featureA"
    "layerInfo": {                          // Generated by the service to determine on which kano service to query 
      "kanoService": "features",            // The kano service to query
      "layerId": "663e3593fb7a85c83f5084fe" // The layer id (layer1)
  "zone": {
    "name": "layer2",
    "filter": {
      "": "layer2featureB"
    "layerInfo": {                          // Generated by the service to determine on which kano service to query
      "kanoService": "features",            // The kano service to query
      "layerId": "6628d597151fd9493aedd094" // The layer id (layer2)        
  "monitor": {
    "description": "description du moniteur",
    "type": "event",
    "trigger": [
    "name": "nice monitor",
    "enabled": true,
    "evaluation": {
      "alertOn": "data",
      "type": "geoIntersects"
    "action": {
      "type": "crisis-webhook",
      "url": "https://crisis-service/api/webhooks/events",
      "additionalProperties": {
        "organisation": "85c83f5084fe6644cf4f83bf",
        "token": "euzyfgnzeufhiuzefze",
        "data": {
          "template": "Webhook alert",
      "cooldown": 1
    "lastRun": {                          // Generated by the service after each run of the monitor
      "date": "2024-05-17T15:50:19.331Z", // The date of the last run
      "lastActionRun": 0,                 // The date of the last action run
      "alert": "not firing",              // Last alert status
      "status": {                         // Last status of the monitor
        "success": true                   // if an error occured the name,message and data will be described here
  "createdAt": "2024-05-15T15:05:51.534Z", // Generated by the service
  "updatedAt": "2024-05-17T15:50:19.334Z"  // Generated/updated by the service

The following fields are generated by the service and will be ignored if provided by the user

Field Description
_id The service-generated ID for each monitor
layerInfo The service-generated layerInfo object to determine which Kano service to query
lastRun The service-generated lastRun object after each run of the monitor
createdAt The service-generated creation date of the monitor
updatedAt The service-generated last update date of the monitor

In case of an error, the lastRun status object will contain the following fields:

  "status": {
    "success": false,
    "error": {
      "message": "Layer not found",
      "data": {
        "layer": "layer3"


Error handling

Before any CREATE,PATCH,PUT operation, the service will validate the monitor structure and then run the monitor evaluation
If an error occurs, the monitor will not be saved and the error will be returned to the user.

Error code Error name Description
400 Bad Request The monitor structure is not valid
404 Not Found A layer was not found during evalutation
404 Not Found A monitor was not found during update/patch/delete
409 Conflict A monitor with the same name already exists
500 Internal Server Error Kano service error
500 Internal Server Error Any other error

Request to kano services

When making a request:

  • Retrieve the geometries of the features of the target.
  • Generate MongoDB queries for each geometry (number of queries equals the number of geometries).
  • Query the zone service to find matching features for each geometry.

⚠️ Order matters, the target is the one that will be used to generate the queries, the zone is the one that will be queried.
depending on the type of evaluation, arrange the layers accordingly to get the desired result and least amount of queries.

  • geoWithin : the zone should be inside the target
  • geoIntersects : the target and the zone should intersect (target should be the layer with the least amount of features*)
  • near : the target and the zone should be near each other (target should be the layer with the least amount of features*)

*considering the filters

⚠️ The services will only return the first 5000 features that match the query, if you have more than 5000 features that match the query, consider using a filter to reduce the number of features returned.

Patching a monitor

The patch operation updates only the fields provided in the request. Other fields will remain unchanged. However, certain internal fields need to be re-specified in the request even if they are not being updated, because they can be considered optional.

For example:

  • When updating the layerElement, it is necessary to provide the filters (if specified) again. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the user wants to remove the filters.
  • When updating the monitor.action, it is necessary to provide additionalProperties (if specified) again. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the user wants to remove the field.

These constraints apply only if the specific part of the monitor is being updated. If you do not update monitor.action in the request body, you do not need to provide the additionalProperties field. The same applies to the layerElement filters.


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