Matcher - powerful tool for extracting data from XML and HTML using XPath and pure magic.
Why was Matcher made (czech), XPath intro (czech)
Install Matcher using Composer:
composer require atrox/matcher
use Atrox\Matcher;
$m = Matcher::multi('//div[@id="siteTable"]/div[contains(@class, "thing")]', [
'id' => '@data-fullname',
'title' => './/p[@class="title"]/a',
'url' => './/p[@class="title"]/a/@href',
'date' => './/time/@datetime',
'img' => 'a[contains(@class, "thumbnail")]/img/@src',
'votes' => (object) [
'ups' => '@data-ups',
'downs' => '@data-downs',
'rank' => 'span[@class="rank"]',
'score' => './/div[contains(@class, "score")]',
$f = file_get_contents('');
$extractedData = $m($f);
"id" => "t3_1ep0c5",
"title" => "Obligatory funny cat pictures.",
"url" => "",
"date" => "2013-05-20T14:16:24+00:00",
"img" => "",
"votes" => (object) [
"ups" => "115036",
"downs" => "10266",
"rank" => "1",
"score" => "105650"
Matchers can be arbitrarily chained and nested.
$postMatcher = Matcher::single('.//div[@class="postInfo desktop"]', [
'id' => './input/@name',
'name' => './span[@class="nameBlock"]/span[@class="name"]',
'date' => './span/@data-utc',
$m = Matcher::multi('//div[@class="thread"]', [
'op' => Matcher::single('./div[@class="postContainer opContainer"]', $postMatcher),
'replies' => Matcher::multi('./div[@class="postContainer replyContainer"]', $postMatcher)
$f = file_get_contents('');
$extractedData = $m($f);
"op" => [
"id" => "481874858",
"name" => "Anonymous",
"date" => "1369242761"
"replies" => [
"id" => "481879347",
"name" => "moot",
"date" => "1369244554"
Because Matcher is internally working with DOMDocument or SimpleXML objects it's possible to use it with external HTML/XML parsers such as html5-php.
$html5 = new Masterminds\HTML5(['disable_html_ns' => true]);
$dom = $html5->loadHTML($html);
$m = Matcher::single('//h1');
$title = $m($dom);