kata http://osherove.com/tdd-kata-1/
Some rules to take in consideration
1.- Frequent commits (small commits) 2.- Under unit-test 3.- build (Grunt, JsHint) 4.- Design Patterns 5.- Delight us !!! do whatever you want to show how good you are :)
- Backend : simple static server on Node.JS
- Frontend : Angular.JS, bootstrap
- Testing framework : karma, jasmine.
- Require : Node.JS installed.
- Install bower by the command : npm install -g bower
- cd to project's folder, install node's modules and libraries by command: 1/. npm install and 2/. bower install
- Some grunt's tasks command:
- grunt dev : auto run test and restart server when save * files.
- grunt test : run jasmine test
- grunt writeTest : auto run test when save *.js files.
- Style frontend.
- Apply grunt task : jshint, uglify, concurrent....