./Data Integration and ETL/2001 contains 32 xls downloaded from the india.gov.in for 2001 ./Data Integration and ETL/2011_Pre contains 32 xls downloaded from the india.gov.in for 2011
./Data Integration and ETL/xxxx_Cleaned is an intermediat step of cleaning ./Data Integration and ETL/xxxx_keseled contains cleaned files
the files of 2001 get merged into 2001.csv using merging.ipynb the files of 2011 get merged into 2011.csv using merging.ipynb
files 2001.csv & 2011.csv are the final data we insert into the warehouse using Talend
It's better to use this configuration below because my database configuration was like this, to import the project and to run jobs easy.
- user : root
- password : root
make sure to run the file (./Data Integration and ETL/Disability Warehouse Creation Script.sql) to create the data warehouse
when you import the project in Tatend Studio run job that has name "all_jobs.job" , We’ve created this global job to help us organize the sequence of execution of our elementary jobs.
Thank you