Releases: kachick/selfup
Releases · kachick/selfup
- d0ac28f Add workaround for gh-2.64.0 and runner-image 20250105.1.0 bug
- 57b7049 Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 (#309)
- 044dfe6 Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#314)
- c77fed3 Bump from 0.26.0 to 0.27.0 (#306)
- e640580 Bump from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 (#312)
- 78de5a4 Bump to v1.1.9
- bc45798 Ensure CGO_ENABLED=0
- 65bda61 Print tool versions
- 8a78f0c Remove heavy magic-nix-cache-action from reusable action
- eb4da79 Revert testing schedule
- 6b4082f flake.lock: Update (#307)
- d3c3d58 flake.lock: Update (#308)
- d7d3485 flake.lock: Update (#310)
- c53aad3 flake.lock: Update (#311)
- 33d5d8f Bump DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action (#295)
- 7f5fe3d Bump DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action (#300)
- a74d9dd Bump from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0 (#293)
- 056ecb4 Bump from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0
- 6955f98 Bump to v1.1.7
- b09d5ca Bump vendorHash
- b9e660a Merge pull request #298 from kachick/dependabot/go_modules/
- 965bc49 Migrate config .github/renovate.json (#296)
- 991afc2 Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-json to v0.19.4 (#291)
- b299f68 Update to nixos-24.11 (#301)
- 0c8d9bf flake.lock: Update (#290)
- 86d355c flake.lock: Update (#292)
- 0f21d04 flake.lock: Update (#294)
- 793f24a flake.lock: Update (#297)
- 0450a20 flake.lock: Update (#299)
- 39463c6 Automerge renovatebot PRs by action
- af79e7e Bump DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action (#258)
- a1347d6 Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.10.1 to 1.10.3 (#230)
- c52942e Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 (#278)
- 26d8b56 Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.10.4 to 1.11.0 (#282)
- a1afbc8 Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#239)
- 9b40d3e Bump from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0 (#238)
- 6b37da6 Bump from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 (#263)
- 5e9f459 Bump from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0 (#279)
- f4af0d0 Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 (#286)
- e9bf7b9 Bump the determinatesystems-actions group with 2 updates (#281)
- c3bfbdf Bump to v1.1.4
- 318e803 Fix broken action pin by dependabot
- 3108c38 Ignore .direnv in dprint
- b2db3ca Introduce renovate-config-dprint self updater
- 473b864 Prefer getExe for nix run
- 7a31f6e Relax updater schedules for weekly
- 5e9a8a8 Replace yamlfmt with pretty_yaml
- 7818b3e Simplify listing up platforms
- f2f608a Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-json to v0.19.3 (#234)
- f023978 Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.1 (#235)
- 167dcdf Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.2 (#253)
- ad35ccb Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.5 (#265)
- 70b21dd Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.6 (#269)
- f595ff1 Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.7 (#273)
- 27218ee Update dependency dprint/dprint-plugin-markdown to v0.17.8 (#275)
- fa01622 Update dependency g-plane/pretty_yaml to v0.3.0 (#241)
- 8b3edf7 Update dependency g-plane/pretty_yaml to v0.4.0 (#246)
- e6017b3 Update dependency g-plane/pretty_yaml to v0.5.0 (#272)
- 2921067 Update dependency kachick/renovate-config-dprint to v1.3.0 (#274)
- aaa72a0 Update to go 1.23 (#288)
- 32555dd flake.lock: Update (#223)
- a51c8ff flake.lock: Update (#224)
- 1a39f44 flake.lock: Update (#225)
- 113f95b flake.lock: Update (#226)
- 81f15c5 flake.lock: Update (#227)
- 71947db flake.lock: Update (#228)
- fb3338a flake.lock: Update (#229)
- b067553 flake.lock: Update (#231)
- 6901fa0 flake.lock: Update (#232)
- 198b2e1 flake.lock: Update (#233)
- 45ce633 flake.lock: Update (#237)
- 3106754 flake.lock: Update (#240)
- e3521f1 flake.lock: Update (#242)
- b78d481 flake.lock: Update (#243)
- 00ddda4 flake.lock: Update (#244)
- 347d5fa flake.lock: Update (#245)
- 9b0cb5d flake.lock: Update (#247)
- 53095b6 flake.lock: Update (#248)
- 3653f65 flake.lock: Update (#249)
- 4ee1bbd flake.lock: Update (#250)
- 25199b7 flake.lock: Update (#251)
- 7fe6e5b flake.lock: Update (#252)
- 002c1bc flake.lock: Update (#254)
- 918dba8 flake.lock: Update (#255)
- cd1cdd7 flake.lock: Update (#256)
- f3a497e flake.lock: Update (#257)
- da777cd flake.lock: Update (#259)
- 70c3f5b flake.lock: Update (#260)
- 7f64972 flake.lock: Update (#261)
- dfa6c05 flake.lock: Update (#262)
- e22457b flake.lock: Update (#264)
- 768f4ac flake.lock: Update (#266)
- 5c4b25c flake.lock: Update (#267)
- d26595b flake.lock: Update (#268)
- f260ba5 flake.lock: Update (#270)
- 28ff874 flake.lock: Update (#271)
- 845f3e6 flake.lock: Update (#276)
- b0a5992 flake.lock: Update (#277)
- fd7d6fe flake.lock: Update (#280)
- affca96 flake.lock: Update (#283)
- 55c0fd3 flake.lock: Update (#284)
- ed7af97 flake.lock: Update (#285)
- dd19626 flake.lock: Update (#287)
- b269f36 Bump DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action (#195)
- 4f8dcd9 Bump Ubuntu action runner to 24.04
- 74e06f5 Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 (#215)
- cbdef69 Bump actions/create-github-app-token from 1.9.3 to 1.10.0 (#187)
- 6dabc4f Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 (#180)
- f4b1f19 Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#178)
- 1a1a987 Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#183)
- f1b4a4b Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#185)
- 343b23c Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#201)
- 4570201 Bump flake.lock and related dependencies (#204)
- b73779b Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.17.0 (#194)
- e707325 Bump from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0 (#186)
- 4eacd11 Bump from 0.20.0 to 0.21.0
- f3d117a Bump goreleaser/goreleaser-action from 5 to 6 (#220)
- c273ae0 Bump the determinatesystems-actions group with 2 updates (#214)
- 31a7264 Bump to NixOS 24.05
- 236e552 Bump version to v1.1.3
- 73f520c Fix config of yamlfmt
- 8ab83a4 Fix to use nixfmt
- 9f9593b Follow updated APP_ID instruction
- a31e01e Inline systems in flake schema and drop flake-utils
- fcf7df0 Merge pull request #197 from kachick/bump-runner-to-ubuntu-2404
- dc6e684 Merge pull request #199 from kachick/drop-flake-utils
- 9990ad3 Merge pull request #200 from kachick/drop-dprint-process-plugins
- c70345b Merge pull request #208 from kachick/nixpkgs-nixos-24.05
- a8ba7ce Prefer map for table driven test (#217)
- bc36a68 Remove needless comment
- a6cfb5e Replace dprint prettier plugin with yamlfmt
- cddcd0a
task fmt
- 823d365 flake.lock: Update (#177)
- 7e2f349 flake.lock: Update (#179)
- a1a8a8e flake.lock: Update (#181)
- f5619a3 flake.lock: Update (#182)
- 38c1827 flake.lock: Update (#184)
- 6a214ea flake.lock: Update (#188)
- 5f5a735 flake.lock: Update (#189)
- a6efcb8 flake.lock: Update (#190)
- 778bc2c flake.lock: Update (#191)
- 5014c36 flake.lock: Update (#192)
- 095b172 flake.lock: Update (#193)
- ad2959c flake.lock: Update (#196)
- 50703b5 flake.lock: Update (#198)
- 4b5bb06 flake.lock: Update (#202)
- 9fe4268 flake.lock: Update (#203)
- e3832bc flake.lock: Update (#205)
- 1810009 flake.lock: Update (#206)
- ca59d6a flake.lock: Update (#207)
- a8685e6 flake.lock: Update (#209)
- 93724fd flake.lock: Update (#210)
- 812e34b flake.lock: Update (#211)
- d739b07 flake.lock: Update (#212)
- 017e367 flake.lock: Update (#213)
- e40a3d2 flake.lock: Update (#216)
- 002c227 flake.lock: Update (#218)
- ac5d1ab flake.lock: Update (#219)
- e7c0643 flake.lock: Update (#222)