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Console Commands

Artem Khrapov edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Console commands in the mod


  1. /getPollution [chunkX] [chunkZ] This command returns the PollutionData of the chunk. If [chunkX] and [chunkZ] are undefined the pollution of the sender's chunk will be returned.

  2. /addPollution [type] [amount] [chunkX] [chunkZ] Adds defined amount of pollution of the defined type to the defined chunk. [type] can be AIR, WATER, SOIL, ALL. If [chunkX] and [chunkZ] are undefined pollution will be added to the sender's chunk. If [amount] is negative, chunk's pollution will be reduced.

  3. /updateCache Updates client's cached pollution from the server.

  4. /loadPollutionManager [dimension] Load PollutionManager from file for the defined dimension. If [dimension] is undefined PollutionManager will be loaded for the sender's dimension. If the sender is null, the dimension will be 0(overworld).

  5. /savePollutionManager [dimension] Save PollutionManager to file for the defined dimension. If [dimension] is undefined PollutionManager will be loaded for the sender's dimension. If the sender is null, the dimension will be 0(overworld).

  6. /clearPollutionManager [dimension] Clear PollutionManager of the defined dimension. It will clear all pollution data in the dimension. Use with caution!! !It won't rewrite the save file! to rewrite the file use /savePollutionManager

  7. /getTileEntityID [x] [y] [z] Get the TileEntity ID from the defined coordinates, prints it to the chat, and puts it into the clipboard. If [x], [y] and [z] are undefined the block beneath the sender will be used.

  8. /TEPollutionConfig [ADD|REMOVE|SAVE|LOAD|GET] [tileId] ([air] [water] [soil]) Command to interact with TEPollutionConfig. (you can get tileId using /getTileEntityID)

Use /TEPollutionConfig ADD [tileId] [air] [water] [soil] to add the defined pollution information to the TEPollutionConfig.

Use /TEPollutionConfig REMOVE [tileId] to remove pollution information about the defined tile entity from the TEPollutionConfig.

SAVE and LOAD saves and loads the TEPollutionConfig respectively.

GET [tileId] prints the pollution information about the tile to the chat.

Old versions (1.8-)

/increasePollution [amount] increases the pollution at the point where you are standing by the amount. If the amount is negative pollution will be reduced.

/getPollution shows you an amount of the pollution at the point you are standing.

/getRegTiles [path] gets the list of all tile entities ids and writes it to the file(TilesNames.txt) in the selected path

/testCCPM gives you the "Test wand", which can be used to discover the tile entity id by clicking them.

/addTile [pollutionAmount] adds a tile entity under you to the configuration. pollution amount is an amount of pollution, which machine will produce.

/removeTile [id] removes a tile from configuration.

/saveEcologyModCfg saves all changes, you made in the configuration.

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