This application can be used as starter kit if you want to get started building an single page application with Laravel and VueJS. This is a blog using feature like administration, creating and editing posts, commenting, searching posts and many other feature which can be found in most web applications.
- VueJS - A JavaScript framework for building great user interfaces.
- Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap is the most used CSS framework.
- Vuex - A state management library for VueJS applications and serves as a central store for the application.
- PHP 7.2
- SQLite3 for development and MySQL for production.
- PHPUnit for unit tests.
- Laravel - A PHP Full stack framework
- Tymon/Jwt-auth - A library used in laravel for Json Web Token authentication
- CRUD (create / read / update / delete) on posts
- CRUD (create / read / update / delete ) on post categories
- Image upload for post cover
- Creating comments on post page
- Pagination on posts listing
- Searching on posts
- Authentication for the admin
- Application ready for production
- PHP 7.2
- SQLite3
- Git
- Composer
Clone the project from Github
$ git clone $ cd laravel-vue-spa-blog laravel-vue-spa-blog$
Install the packages for laravel:
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ composer install
Create the database:
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ touch database/database.sqlite
Create the .env file :
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ cp .env.example .env
Generate the encryption key for Laravel :
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ php artisan key:generate
Add database information :
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ vim .env
Change the DB_CONNECTION to put sqlite :
Load sample records:
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ php artisan migrate --seed
Run the Laravel Server in development mode
laravel-vue-spa-blog$ php artisan serve
Start client in development mode. You should be able to go to
To access to the administration panel, there is a link in the bottom of the page or go to
- Create Laravel and React Single Page Application Forum