dnode-tarantula is an asynchronous rpc and event system for node.js based on dnode-protocol and TCP sockets. This is fork of dnode-spider
- Automatic reconnection
- bi-direction and poly-direction communication
- Events
npm install dnode-tarantula
Also check examples
var dnode = require('dnode-tarantula');
var server = new dnode.Server({
transform: function (a, b, cb) {
cb(a + b, 'Hello from Spider!');
}, {port: 5000, host: 'localhost'});
server.on('connection', function(remote) {
remote.math(1, 2, function(res, hello) {
console.log(res, hello);
var dnode = require('dnode-tarantula');
var client = new dnode.Client({
math: function (a, b, cb) {
cb((a + b) * 2, 'Hello from Fly! My name: '+client.nodeId);
}, {port: 5000, host: 'localhost', nodeId: 'Fly1'});
client.on('connection', function(remote) {
remote.transform(1, 2, function(res, hello) {
console.log(res, hello);
node server.js &
node client.js &
3 'Hello from Spider!'
6 'Hello from Fly! My name: Fly1'
var dnode = require('dnode-tarantula')
var server = dnode.Server(api, options);
- Object api - shared server methods object
- Object options - settings object
port: 1337, //default: 5000
host: 'node.example.com', // default: 'localhost'
auth: function(flyAuth, callback), // default: null
id: '1337', // any string. Default: random shortid
store: new dnode.stores.redis({
pub: redis.createServer(),
sub: redis.createServer(),
client: redis.createServer()
}), // default: memory store
pingInterval: 15000, // Any number in ms. default: 10000
Api object has $
object, which is reserved for internal stuff (Danger Zone™).
Call method with 'methodname' from Client with id = 'nodeId'.
- Function callback - callback
Return Array of all Client ID`s that are connected to Server
Update server API to client with id == id
- String methodname - name of method
- Array arguments - arguments, that should be passed to remote function
Broadcast a function call to all clients.
Return ids of all connected clients
server.on('connection', function(remote, client, api) {}); // client connected
server.on('disconnection', function(client) {}); // client disconnected
var client = dnode.Client(api, options);
- Object api - shared Client methods object
- Object options - settings object
port: 1337, //default: 5000
host: 'node.example.com', // default: 'localhost'
nodeId: 'W00T', //default: process.pid
auth: 'SoSecureKey' //auth key. default: null
Call this method after updating your API object, and changes will propagate to server.
client.on('remote', function(remote) {}); // client remote methods are ready
client.on('ping', function(client) {}); // ping packet sent
client.on('ping:timeout', function(client) {}); // well... A ping timeout!
client.on('ping:reply', function(client) {}); // emitted when ping reply arrives