It supports blueprints in YAML or Java, and deploys them to many clouds and other target environments. It monitors those deployments, maintains a live model, and runs autonomic policies to maintain their health.
For more information visit, where you'll find:
This is the uber-repo. To build the entire codebase, get this project and its sub-modules:
git clone
cd brooklyn
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote --merge --recursive
And then, with jdk 1.8+ and maven 3.1+ installed:
mvn clean install -Dno-go-client -Dno-rpm
The results are in brooklyn-dist/dist/target/
, including a tar and a zip.
Or to run straight after the build, do:
pushd brooklyn-dist/dist/target/brooklyn-dist/brooklyn/
bin/brooklyn launch
The Developers section of the main website contains more detail on working with the codebase. There is also a more Developer Guide specific to each version, including this branch (0.10.0-SNAPSHOT), latest stable, and older releases.
Useful topics include:
getting the source code
setting up Git with forks, submodules (or alternatively avoiding submodules) and other productivity hints
the maven build and what to do on build errors
project structure of the codebase and submodules
the people behind Apache Brooklyn