Redux reducer factory that is designed for use with Flux Standard Actions (FSA).
This package provides the same functionality as the redux-create-reducer (originally based on this code), except that the action handler methods will receive the action's payload directly, thus reducing a small amount of boilerplate code. This, however, requires all actions to follow the Flux Standard Action pattern.
import createReducer from 'redux-create-fsa-reducer'
enum Action {
Alternative way of declaring action types enum:
interface IActionEnum {
// The ": IActionEnum" is necessary to make the enum constants unique symbols
const Action: IActionEnum = {
interface IState {
items: string[]
lastError: null | Error,
lastErrorDetails: any
const DEFAULT_STATE: IState = {
items: [],
lastError: null,
lastErrorDetails: null,
// An interface cannot be used here because interfaces, unlike type literals,
// can be extended.
type Reducer = {
[Action.ADD_TODO]?(state: IState, payload: string): IState,
[Action.FETCH_TODO_LIST_DONE]?(state: IState, payload: string[]): IState,
[Action.FETCH_TODO_LIST_DONE]?(state: IState, payload: void, error: Error): IState,
export default createReducer<IState, Reducer>(DEFAULT_STATE, {
[Action.ADD_TODO](state: IState, text: string): IState {
return {
items: [...state.items, text.trim()],
state: IState,
todoList: void | string[],
error?: Error,
meta?: any,
): IState {
if (!todoList) {
return {
lastError: error,
lastErrorDetails: meta
return {
items: todoList,