ServerTools is a JavaFx-based utility program for managing linux-based servers.
The program includes
- SSH connection info dashboard
- Built-in webview
- Resource monitors
- Sever documents
- Useful links
- Reports
- Simple file transfer
- Connection status indicator
- Fancy CSS designs. There are some special features for GSHS.
The GSHS symbol only apears on GSHS servers.
The indicator at the upper right means the connection status. Yellow means >5s of lag and red means >10s. Gray means that the connection is paused by the user. Green means that the connection is up to date.
The documents are published by GSHS Linux Intro
The connection uses the Jcraft Jsch for ssh communication. It also used JavaFx for the user interface.
This project was made by Junu Kwon(gs19007) in 2021.
Gyeonggi Science High School, Informatics Project class. Advisor(Teacher) was Suakii