The goal of GseaVis is to visualize GSEA enrichment results as an implement package for enrichplot gseaplot2 function. And some codes origin from enrichplot package, thanks for Guangchuang Yu professor's contribution! The enrichment results from clusterProfiler and GSEA software can be supported as input for GseaVis for visualization.
You can mark your gene name on GSEA plot and this package also support more avaliable parameters to customize your own plot.
You can install the development version of GseaVis from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Jun Zhang (2022). GseaVis: An Implement R Package to Visualize GSEA Results.
- GseaVis 优雅的可视化 GSEA 富集结果
- GseaVis 的一些新功能
- GseaVis 对 gseKEGG 结果的支持优化
- R 包 bug 修复及问题一览
- dotplotGsea 可视化 GSEA 富集结果
- GSEA 结果火山图可视化
- GseaVis 多条通路可视化
- GseaVis 为你的通路基因添加热图
- bugs 报告和修复
- 同学你又在画 GSEA?
- GseaVis 一键对接 GSEA 软件结果并可视化
- 听说你想把多个样本的 GSEA 画在一起?
- 听说你只有富集表格还想画 GSEA 图?
- GSEA 还可以环形可视化?
- 听说你想把 fgsea 结果用 GseaVis 美化?
- 桑基图加富集图一行代码出图?
- GseaVis 绘制山脊图