A React component that uses a Youtube video as background for a container.
$ npm install react-youtube-background
Import the component
import YoutubeBackground from 'react-youtube-background'
Use the component in you render function
videoId={string} /* default -> null */
aspectRatio={string} /* default -> "16:9" */
overlay={string} /* default -> null | e.g. "rgba(0,0,0,.4)" */
className={string} /* default -> null */
nocookie={bool} /* default -> false | sets host to https:/*www.youtube-nocookie.com to avoid loading Google's cookies */
playerOptions={object} /* default -> {} | https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters*/
onReady={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onEnd={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onPlay={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onPause={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onError={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onStateChange={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onPlaybackRateChange={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */
onPlaybackQualityChange={func} /* default -> null | returns event with player object */