play the game here:
Arrow Keys to move. Avoid bugs. In case of emergency A
& D
throw tomatoes, which kill bugs.
Created from a fork of bahalps's fork of the Udacity Frogger game. His version had several of the enemy types you see. I took his version and added more enemys and attacks, and broke the app.js file up into many files to make it more maintainable. It is easier to find the code you are looking for, if its in its own file. Grunt is used to combine all the files into one app.js, and also minifies the app.js file to reduce HTTP request size. Running the grunt
command will compile app.js, but it has already been compiled before being committed to this repo, so that the compiled game can be served up on gh-pages.
Students should use this rubric:!/c-ud015/l-3072058665/m-3072588797
for self-checking their submission.