respiratory infectious disease react-native app
1- User connect to the app with his phone by Geolocalisation. Two ways to proceed ( and a Donate Bottom)
Prevention ( information about how to wash your hands, Articles etc..)
A. Notifications for prevention B. Show where to Buy stuffs ( Mask, Ventilator Artificial) in Drugstore and Hospitals available for receiving COVID-19 patients( How many beds available) and where to do the TEST Covid 19.
Disease case
A. Enter personal informations ( Noun , Prenoun , ID , Age ,Past medical history) B . Choose what you feel ( Fever, Cough, Sneezing, respiratory difficulty, Diarhea) C. How many people living the house with you? D. Trasnport facilitation ( Don’t let the kick people go out) E. Show localisation of the people with the disease and the other people not infected.
This part is really for elderly people and those that already have a pathology because They are at Risk for hospitalisation and death.
NB : When you donate : We Buy Mask, Motocycle for transportation, detergent and Artificial Ventilator, Bed etc..
For development, you will need Node.js, expo React Native and a node global package manager, Yarn, installed in your environement.
You will also need to make sure that expo works on your machine.
- Clone the repo and enter the project folder
cd covid19App
- Install dependencies and run :
yarn start
Please, read our Contribution Guidelines if you wish to participate into the development of Covid19App.
- Linting ES lint
[] Create an issue first
[] Send a gif , and message
[] please 1 functionality per pull request
[] Testing at least the component name.