katalog-sync is a node-local mechanism for syncing k8s pods to consul services.
katalog-sync has:
- node-local syncing to local consul-agent
- agent-services in consul, meaning health of those endpoints is tied to the node agent
- sync readiness state from k8s as check to consul
- (optional) sidecar service to ensure consul registration before a pod is marked "ready"
katalog-sync makes the following assumptions:
- You have a consul-agent running on each node (presumably as a Daemonset)
- You are running a consul-agent which supports ServiceMetadata (>= 1.0.7)
- You want to sync Pods to consul services and have the readiness values reflected
- Your pods can communicate with Daemonsets running on the same node
- Kubelet starts container on Node
- (optional) katalog-sync-sidecar calls to katalog-sync-daemonset waiting until registration with consul is complete
- Daemonset syncs changes from kubelet through the local kubelet API
- Daemonset syncs changes to consul
Annotation | |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-names | Comma-separated list of service names |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-port | Port for the consul service |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-port-SERVICE-NAME | Port override to use for a specific service name |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-tags | Tags for the consul service |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-tags-SERVICE-NAME | Tags override to use for a specific service name |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-meta | ServiceMeta for the consul service |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-meta-SERVICE-NAME | ServiceMeta override to use for a specific service name |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-health | Use a fixed health status string regardless of pod readiness, valid values: 'passing', 'warning', 'critical' |
katalog-sync.wish.com/serivce-health-SERVICE-NAME | health overrride for a specific service name |
katalog-sync.wish.com/sidecar | Container name of the katalog-sync-sidecar |
katalog-sync.wish.com/sync-interval | How frequently to sync this service with consul |
katalog-sync.wish.com/service-check-ttl | TTL for the service checks put into consul |
katalog-sync.wish.com/container-exclude | Comma-separated list of containers to exclude in readiness check |
$ ./katalog-sync-daemon -h
katalog-sync-daemon [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--log-level= Log level (default: info) [$LOG_LEVEL]
--bind-address= address for binding RPC interface for
sidecar [$BIND_ADDRESS]
--pprof-bind-address= address for binding pprof
--min-sync-interval= minimum duration allowed for sync
(default: 500ms) [$MIN_SYNC_INTERVAL]
--max-sync-interval= maximum duration allowed for sync
(default: 5s) [$MAX_SYNC_INTERVAL]
--sync-ttl-buffer-duration= how much time to ensure is between
sync time and ttl (default: 10s)
--kubelet-api= kubelet API endpoint (default:
--kubelet-api-insecure-skip-verify skip verification of TLS certificate
from kubelet API
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
$ ./katalog-sync-sidecar -h
katalog-sync-sidecar [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
--log-level= Log level (default: info) [$LOG_LEVEL]
--katalog-sync-daemon= katalog-sync-daemon API endpoint [$KATALOG_SYNC_DAEMON]
--katalog-sync-daemon-max-backoff= katalog-sync-daemon API max backoff (default: 1s) [$KATALOG_SYNC_DAEMON_MAX_BACKOFF]
--bind-address= address for binding checks to [$BIND_ADDRESS]
--namespace= k8s namespace this is running in [$NAMESPACE]
--pod-name= k8s pod this is running in [$POD_NAME]
--container-name= k8s container this is running in [$CONTAINER_NAME]
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message