A very simple puppet module for keeping things in sync with S3.
One quick note, this was developed to run against SmartOS, it however it should work for Ubuntu. I created it to backup some websites and databases to S3, and as such this is a very simple applicaiton.
How to use:
I broke this module into 3 individual invocations, which you'd likely want to make from your node manifest.
Step 1) Lets make sure s3cmd is installed.
class {'s3sync': }
Step 2) Lets Setup a .s3cfg file!
s3sync::user { 'a whitty resource title':
user => 'your username',
aws_key_id => 'your aws key id',
aws_secret_key => 'your aws secret key',
gpg_passphrase => 'a passphrase for gpg encryption',
path => '/path/to/your/users/home/folder/',
Part of the complexity for this setp is due to puppets insistance that all paths must be absolute. If there is a better way, please fork, and send me back a pull request because I don't quite like it, but it works for now.
Step 3) Go ahead set us up some cron jobs to make sure my stuff gets synced out to S3.
s3sync::cron {'a whitty backup job resource title':
user => 'your username',
localpath => '/path/to/your/files/you/want/synced',
bucketpath => 'bucketname/bucketfolder/',
backuptime => [ '12', '00' ],
The backup time is in the form of ['hour', 'minute'] and will execute daily.