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Merge pull request #8 from RelationalAI-oss/nhd-rai-upstream
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Upstream changes from RelationalAI: Added a WHOLE BUNCH of comments to examples/SpreadsheetApp to explain Salsa usage.
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Nathan Daly authored Mar 20, 2020
2 parents 76f6b7e + 63c7ebe commit 8179267
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Showing 3 changed files with 234 additions and 96 deletions.
309 changes: 223 additions & 86 deletions examples/SpreadsheetApp/src/Spreadsheet.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,132 +1,187 @@
# This Example app uses Salsa to build an incremental Spreadsheet, which is correct by
# construction.
# Incremental means that whenever you change the contents of any one cell, the system
# performs _only the minimum necessary computations_ to update the displayed output. That
# is, if you update cell A1, and it is used in the formula for B1, only those two cells'
# values will be recomputed and re-displayed, but any other computations needed to compute
# the display values for other cells will be remembered from when they were last updated,
# and will not need to be recomputed. This is achieved via Salsa's memoization of the
# results of `@derived` functions, and its automatic dependency detection to determine
# when to invalidate those cached values.
# We say it's correct by construction because we did not have to manually write _any code_
# to achieve this incrementality. Instead, below we write simple, straight-line code that
# computes the values to display for the _entire spreadsheet_, relying on Salsa to
# automatically determine which intermediate values to keep and which to recompute whenever
# a cell is modified.
# The code below stores the text values _entered by users_ as Salsa Inputs, and provides
# functions to _derive_ the output display strings for the entire spreadsheet, given only
# those inputs.
# In order to guarantee correctness, we only have to follow these simple rules:
# - Do not mutate values stored in Salsa. To make this easier, this example _only uses
# immutable types_.
# - Derived functions must be stateless, pure functions (depend on no outside state, and
# have no side-effects), which the below functions achieve by only depending on the
# `@input`s on the Spreadsheet.
# In order to achieve good incremental performance, we simply have to consider which
# functions we mark as `@derived` functions, and how we split up our computations to provide
# good caching and invaldiation points. You'll see some comments on this inline, below.

using Salsa

# TODO: Change this to just use a Tuple{Symbol,Int}, since we're not using a sparse
# representation, not a matrix, anyway.
# A Cell is identified by its position. We use this identifier as the key in all the
# derived functions, below, so it's good to use the simplest possible identifier.
const CellId = Tuple{Int,Int}

# By marking this type as a `@component`, Spreadsheet instances internally store the
# pointer to the current Salsa Runtime, which maintains all the state from the derived
# computations. So a single Spreadsheet holds both the user-provided inputs, _and_ all the
# cached derived computations that build on those inputs.
@component Spreadsheet begin
@input valid_cells :: InputScalar{Tuple{Vararg{CellId}}}
# NOTE: The "Manifest Pattern"
# Notice that we have a single input that stores all the cells that the user has
# entered, and a _separate_ input that maps from those cell IDs to their text values.
# This is called the "manifest pattern," because you have one input that acts as the
# manifest (valid_cells), containing all the keys to the other map input(s).
# This is important for two reasons:
# 1. This is a syntactic requirement, because Salsa does not track changes to the
# keys in a map, it only tracks changes to _values_.
# 2. There might be many separate things that you want to record for a given Cell:
# Currently, we store only its text, but in the future we may also want to store
# its color, it's formatting (bold, italics, ...), etc. For the best incremental
# performance, you will want to keep these inputs _separate_ ("normalized"), so you
# keep one manifest that contains the keys to all the other maps.
# NOTE: Storing Immutable Values
# For correctness, you should only use _immutable values_ in Salsa. To represent an
# immutable Set, here we declare valid_cells to store any variadic tuple of CellIds.
# We could also have used a proper immutable colelction datastructure, such as those
# provided by
@input valid_cells :: InputScalar{NTuple{<:Any, CellId}}
@input cell_text :: InputMap{CellId, String}

# The default Constructor initializes the manifest to be empty (a common part of the
# "Manifest Pattern").
function Spreadsheet()
# Salsa.create() initializes the Spreadsheet with a new empty Runtime correctly.
ss = Salsa.create(Spreadsheet)
ss.valid_cells[] = ()

# The manifest and the attributes (valid_cells and cell_text) must be maintained together,
# so we should always use this Setter function to update the cell text.
function set_cell_text!(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId, text::String)
ss.valid_cells[] = (ss.valid_cells[]..., id)
ss.cell_text[id] = text

@derived function cell_text(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)
if id in ss.valid_cells[]

# This is the first derived function we've seen. It acts like a filter, which generates
# empty text ("") for strings that the user hasn't set directly, which allows us to use a
# sparse representation to store the user-entered cell text values.
# Marking this function as `@derived` causes Salsa to memoize its return values based on
# the input arguments, and also to track any _other_ derived functions or Salsa inputs that
# this function accesses, so that if the values from those functions _change_, this
# function's cached value is invalidated and it will be recomputed the next time it's
# called.
# NOTE: On Tuning the `@derived` annotation
# From a performance perspective, it might not actually make sense to make this a derived
# function, since it's body is very cheap, but we did so for explanation purposes. You will
# need to make trade-off decisions between cache size and cpu performance, motivated by
# running performance measurements. This tuning is common to working with Salsa.
@derived function cell_text(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::String
if cell_is_set(ss, id)
@derived text_is_empty(ss::Spreadsheet, text::String) = isempty(text)
cell_is_empty(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId) = text_is_empty(ss, cell_text(ss, id))
# NOTE: "Firewall Pattern"
# Notice that we have a derived function here for what seems like a very cheap operation.
# This is called the "Firewall Pattern" (or the "Selector Pattern"). This derived function
# acts as a recompuation barrier by limiting the exposure to a potentially quite commonly
# modified input: the `valid_cells` manifest.
# Consider: _every time_ a new cell is added or removed, this variable will change. Without
# this barrier, that means that any function that checks if its `id` is in the manifest
# would have to rerun. In this case, if this function weren't marked `@derived`, it would
# mean that whenever you add or remove a CellId, _all the values stored in the `cell_text()`
# function would be invalidated, and would have to rerun. This barrier function prevents
# that.
@derived cell_is_set(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::Bool = id in ss.valid_cells[]

@derived function cell_is_formula(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)
text = cell_text(ss, id)
!isempty(text) && first(text) === '='
@derived function cell_type(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)
text = cell_text(ss, id)
!isempty(text) && first(text) === '='

abstract type UserFacingException <: Base.Exception end
# --- Cell Type Computations -------------------------------------------------------------
# Here we have some derived functions which determine what type of cell we have, based
# on the cell's text. They look up the cell's contents based on its ID, then do some
# computation to determine the cell's type.
# Notice that the functions all take the *CellId* as arguments, rather than the cell's text.
# This is important for cache performance: when the cell's contents change, the _key_ for
# the Salsa cache (which method was called, and what were its arguments) remains the same,
# so that the new returned value _overwrites_ the previous one, rather than accumulating
# beside it in the cache.
# Notice also that we include return-type annotations on these functions, because Salsa
# uses them to construct strongly-typed Dictionaries for storing the cached values.

struct NodeError <: UserFacingException
# Define pretty-print method to print in cells
Base.print(io::IO, err::NodeError) = print(io, err.err)
@derived cell_is_empty(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::Bool = isempty(cell_text(ss, id))

function column_idx_to_name(i)
out = ""
while i > 0
l = (i-1)%26+1
i ÷= 26
function column_name_to_idx(name)
name = uppercase(name)
i = 0
l = 0
while l < length(name)
i += 26^l*findfirst(name[end-l], "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")[1]
l += 1
@derived function cell_is_formula(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::Bool
text = cell_text(ss, id)
!isempty(text) && first(text) === '='

# --- Cell Value Computations -------------------------------------------------------------
# Finally, we have derived functions to determine the value and display text for a given
# cell.

function cell_id_from_name(var::Symbol)
s = String(var)
s = uppercase(s)
if (m = match(r"([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)", s); m !== nothing)
col,row = m.captures
row,col = parse(Int,row),column_name_to_idx(col)
return (row,col)
# AbstractUserFacingException are caught and displayed, rather than allowed to propogate and
# terminate execution. These are supposed to be in response to an error in the
# _user-supplied_ logic, rather than an error in our Julia program.
abstract type AbstractUserFacingException <: Base.Exception end

# An Exception that we throw when we encounter a bug in the user's program.
struct UserError <: AbstractUserFacingException
# Define pretty-print method to print the UserError in the UI.
Base.print(io::IO, err::UserError) = print(io, err.err)

function replace_varnames(ss::Spreadsheet, expr)
walk(node) = node
# var matches :A1
function walk(var::Symbol)
id = cell_id_from_name(var)
if id === nothing
#throw(NodeError("BAD VAR: `$var`"))
# Might be builtin symbol, like :sum or :+
return QuoteNode(cell_value(ss, id))
function walk(e::Expr)
# range expression
if e.head === :call && e.args[1] === Symbol(":")
length(e.args) === 3 || throw(NodeError("BAD RANGE: `$e`"))
r_start = cell_id_from_name(e.args[2])
r_end = cell_id_from_name(e.args[3])
# Return a 2D Matrix of the values
[cell_value(ss, (r,c))
for r in r_start[1]:r_end[1], c in r_start[2]:r_end[2]
# Recursive walk
Expr(e.head, walk.(e.args)...)
@derived function cell_value(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)
if cell_is_formula(ss, id)
# This is the main derived function that runs the whole Spreadsheet App. It parses the
# contents of the user's cell into a valid Julia type, and if the cell contains a Formula,
# it evaluates the formula to compute a value.
# Notice that this function can be _recursive_ thanks to evaluating formulas:
# - The call to `replace_varnames` will find valid `CellId`s in the user's expression,
# and recursively call `call_value(ss, var_id)` to compute _those_ values. The cached
# values from any intermediate computations we've written above will be automatically
# reused.
# - Salsa will dynamically track the dependencies between the calls to `cell_value()`,
# which automatically provides the dependencies between cells, based on the user-provided
# values. Whenever formulas change, they'll be recomputed and the dependencies will be
# automatically updated.
@derived function cell_value(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::Any
if cell_is_empty(ss, id)
elseif cell_is_formula(ss, id)
expr = Meta.parse(cell_text(ss, id)[2:end])
expr = replace_varnames(ss, expr)
catch e
if e isa UserFacingException
if e isa AbstractUserFacingException
e # Return the exception
elseif !(e isa InterruptException)
elseif cell_is_empty(ss, id)
Meta.parse(cell_text(ss, id))
Expand All @@ -136,7 +191,56 @@ end
function cell_display_str(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)

function replace_varnames(ss::Spreadsheet, expr)
# Recursively walk through the expression replacing references to cell ids and ranges
# with their values. The recursive walk!() function is defined below and called on
# `expr` at the very end.

walk!(node) = node
# Convert variables that look like :A1 to the value stored at cell-id "A1"
function walk!(var::Symbol)
var_id = cell_id_from_name(var)
if var_id === nothing
# If it's not a cell id, we assume it's a builtin symbol, like :sum or :+
# NOTE: Here is the recursive call to cell_value(ss, var_id). Without any
# explicit work on our part, this creates a dependency from the current CellId
# being computed to the
return QuoteNode(cell_value(ss, var_id))
# Convert Range expressions containing variable names :(A1:B1) to a 2D matrix of the
# values in the cells stored in that range.
function walk!(e::Expr)
if e.head === :call && e.args[1] === Symbol(":")
length(e.args) === 3 || throw(UserError("BAD RANGE: `$e`"))
r_start = cell_id_from_name(e.args[2])
r_end = cell_id_from_name(e.args[3])
# Return a 2D Matrix of the values
[cell_value(ss, (r,c))
for r in r_start[1]:r_end[1], c in r_start[2]:r_end[2]
# Recursive walk on all elements of the Expr
Expr(e.head, walk!.(e.args)...)

# Walk the Expr and do the replacements.

# Finally, we have the function that converts a cell's _actual value_ into a String.
# This is also a `@derived` function because printing the value to a string might be
# expensive, so it might be worth caching. Again, this tradeoff should be made after
# performance measurements.
# The final missing piece of our spreadsheet app is in the UI.jl file, where the display
# functions loop over the entire range of the spreadsheet currently in-view from the UI, and
# call this function on each cell.
@derived function cell_display_str(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)::String
v = cell_value(ss, id)
if v isa Exception
Expand All @@ -148,3 +252,36 @@ function cell_display_str(ss::Spreadsheet, id::CellId)

function column_idx_to_name(i)
out = ""
while i > 0
l = (i-1)%26+1
i ÷= 26
function column_name_to_idx(name)
name = uppercase(name)
i = 0
l = 0
while l < length(name)
i += 26^l*findfirst(name[end-l], "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")[1]
l += 1

function cell_id_from_name(var::Symbol)
s = String(var)
s = uppercase(s)
if (m = match(r"([A-Z]+)([0-9]+)", s); m !== nothing)
col,row = m.captures
row,col = parse(Int,row),column_name_to_idx(col)
return (row,col)
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions examples/SpreadsheetApp/src/SpreadsheetApp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,13 +6,15 @@ include("Spreadsheet.jl")

SpreadsheetApp.main([ss,]; rows=5, cols=5)
ss = SpreadsheetApp.main([ss,]; rows=5, cols=5)
Launch an interactive spreadsheeting user interface to edit the Spreadsheet. The Spreadsheet
is returned from this function (so it can be reused) in future calls.
The Spreadsheet is built via Salsa.jl to incrementally update new values whenever their
dependencies change.
function main(ss = Spreadsheet(); rows=5, cols=5)
#set_cell_text!(ss, (1,1), "hi")
ui = UI.SpreadsheetDisplay(ss, maxrows=rows, maxcols=cols)
Expand Down

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