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Guido Kraemer edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 14 revisions


LanguageServer.jl can be easily used with eglot by installing the eglot-jl package from melpa. It provides:

  • completion via completion-at-point
  • signatures and help at point via eldoc and eglot-help-at-point
  • Variable/function renaming eglot-rename
  • Jump to function/type definition via xref-find-definitions
  • Jump to symbols via imenu
  • Automatic buffer formatting via eglot-format
  • Linting via flymake-mode


It is possible to use the Julia LanguageServer in Emacs using the lsp-mode and the lsp-julia packages. See the README of lsp-julia to get it working. It also might be helpful to look at this discourse post from @ffevotte to get an idea of the capabilities available.

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