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replace --dryrun with --delete (#6)
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- bump version to 0.4
- replace Bool with Deletion type
  • Loading branch information
juhp committed Sep 26, 2021
1 parent a4398f8 commit 4216a65
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Showing 6 changed files with 83 additions and 66 deletions.
29 changes: 15 additions & 14 deletions src/GHC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import System.FilePath

import Directories (getStackSubdir, globDirs, switchToSystemDirUnder)
import qualified Remove
import Types
import Versions

getStackProgramsDir :: IO FilePath
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,31 +52,31 @@ listGhcInstallation mghcver = do
Nothing -> dirs
Just ghcver -> filter ((== ghcver) . (if isMajorVersion ghcver then majorVersion else id) . ghcInstallVersion) dirs

removeGhcVersionInstallation :: Bool -> Version -> IO ()
removeGhcVersionInstallation dryrun ghcver = do
removeGhcVersionInstallation :: Deletion -> Version -> IO ()
removeGhcVersionInstallation deletion ghcver = do
installs <- getGhcInstallDirs (Just ghcver)
case installs of
[] -> putStrLn $ "stack ghc compiler version " ++ showVersion ghcver ++ " not found"
[g] | not (isMajorVersion ghcver) -> doRemoveGhcVersion dryrun g
[g] | not (isMajorVersion ghcver) -> doRemoveGhcVersion deletion g
gs -> if isMajorVersion ghcver then do
Remove.prompt dryrun ("all stack ghc " ++ showVersion ghcver ++ " installations: ")
mapM_ (doRemoveGhcVersion dryrun) gs
Remove.prompt deletion ("all stack ghc " ++ showVersion ghcver ++ " installations: ")
mapM_ (doRemoveGhcVersion deletion) gs
else error' "more than one match found!!"

removeGhcMinorInstallation :: Bool -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
removeGhcMinorInstallation dryrun mghcver = do
removeGhcMinorInstallation :: Deletion -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
removeGhcMinorInstallation deletion mghcver = do
dirs <- getGhcInstallDirs (majorVersion <$> mghcver)
case mghcver of
Nothing -> do
let majors = groupOn (majorVersion . ghcInstallVersion) dirs
forM_ majors $ \ minors ->
forM_ (init minors) $ doRemoveGhcVersion dryrun
forM_ (init minors) $ doRemoveGhcVersion deletion
Just ghcver -> do
let minors = filter ((< ghcver) . ghcInstallVersion) dirs
forM_ minors $ doRemoveGhcVersion dryrun
forM_ minors $ doRemoveGhcVersion deletion

doRemoveGhcVersion :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRemoveGhcVersion dryrun ghcinst = do
Remove.doRemoveDirectory dryrun ghcinst
Remove.removeFile dryrun (ghcinst <.> "installed")
putStrLn $ ghcinst ++ " compiler " ++ (if dryrun then "would be " else "") ++ "removed"
doRemoveGhcVersion :: Deletion -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRemoveGhcVersion deletion ghcinst = do
Remove.doRemoveDirectory deletion ghcinst
Remove.removeFile deletion (ghcinst <.> "installed")
putStrLn $ ghcinst ++ " compiler " ++ (if isDelete deletion then "" else "would be ") ++ "removed"
47 changes: 24 additions & 23 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import System.IO (BufferMode(NoBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdout)
import GHC
import Paths_stack_clean_old (version)
import Snapshots
import Types

data Mode = Default | Project | Snapshots | Compilers | GHC

Expand All @@ -28,13 +29,13 @@ main = do
, Subcommand "list" "List sizes per ghc version" $
listCmd <$> modeOpt <*> optional ghcVerArg
, Subcommand "remove" "Remove for a ghc version" $
removeCmd <$> dryrun <*> modeOpt <*> ghcVerArg
removeCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> modeOpt <*> ghcVerArg
, Subcommand "keep-minor" "Remove for previous ghc minor versions" $
removeMinorsCmd <$> dryrun <*> modeOpt <*> optional ghcVerArg
removeMinorsCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> modeOpt <*> optional ghcVerArg
, Subcommand "purge-older" "Purge older builds in .stack-work/install" $
cleanOldStackWork <$> dryrun <*> keepOption
cleanOldStackWork <$> deleteOpt <*> keepOption
, Subcommand "delete-work" "Remove project's .stack-work subdirs recursively" $
removeStackWorks <$> dryrun <*> switchWith 'a' "all" "Find all .stack-work/ subdirs, even if current directory not a stack project"
removeStackWorks <$> deleteOpt <*> switchWith 'a' "all" "Find all .stack-work/ subdirs, even if current directory not a stack project"
modeOpt =
Expand All @@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ main = do
flagWith' Snapshots 's' "snapshots" "Act on ~/.stack/snapshots/" <|>
flagWith Default Compilers 'c' "compilers" "Act on ~/.stack/programs/"

dryrun = switchWith 'n' "dry-run" "Show what would be done, without removing"
deleteOpt = flagWith Dryrun Delete 'd' "delete" "Without this option dryrun is done"

notHumanOpt = switchWith 'H' "not-human-size" "Do not use du --human-readable"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,44 +86,44 @@ listCmd mode mver =
then listCmd Project mver
else listCmd GHC mver

removeCmd :: Bool -> Mode -> Version -> IO ()
removeCmd dryrun mode ghcver =
removeCmd :: Deletion -> Mode -> Version -> IO ()
removeCmd deletion mode ghcver =
case mode of
Project -> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cleanGhcSnapshots dryrun cwd ghcver
cleanGhcSnapshots deletion cwd ghcver
Snapshots -> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cleanGhcSnapshots dryrun cwd ghcver
Compilers -> removeGhcVersionInstallation dryrun ghcver
cleanGhcSnapshots deletion cwd ghcver
Compilers -> removeGhcVersionInstallation deletion ghcver
GHC -> do
removeCmd dryrun Compilers ghcver
removeCmd dryrun Snapshots ghcver
removeCmd deletion Compilers ghcver
removeCmd deletion Snapshots ghcver
Default -> do
isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work"
if isProject
then removeCmd dryrun Project ghcver
else removeCmd dryrun GHC ghcver
then removeCmd deletion Project ghcver
else removeCmd deletion GHC ghcver

removeMinorsCmd :: Bool -> Mode -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
removeMinorsCmd dryrun mode mver =
removeMinorsCmd :: Deletion -> Mode -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
removeMinorsCmd deletion mode mver =
case mode of
Project -> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cleanMinorSnapshots dryrun cwd mver
cleanMinorSnapshots deletion cwd mver
Snapshots -> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
cleanMinorSnapshots dryrun cwd mver
Compilers -> removeGhcMinorInstallation dryrun mver
cleanMinorSnapshots deletion cwd mver
Compilers -> removeGhcMinorInstallation deletion mver
GHC -> do
removeMinorsCmd dryrun Compilers mver
removeMinorsCmd dryrun Snapshots mver
removeMinorsCmd deletion Compilers mver
removeMinorsCmd deletion Snapshots mver
Default -> do
isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work"
if isProject
then removeMinorsCmd dryrun Project mver
else removeMinorsCmd dryrun GHC mver
then removeMinorsCmd deletion Project mver
else removeMinorsCmd deletion GHC mver
20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions src/Remove.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,19 +8,21 @@ where
import Control.Monad.Extra
import qualified System.Directory as D

doRemoveDirectory :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRemoveDirectory dryrun dir =
unless dryrun $
import Types

doRemoveDirectory :: Deletion -> FilePath -> IO ()
doRemoveDirectory deletion dir =
when (isDelete deletion) $
D.removeDirectoryRecursive dir

removeFile :: Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeFile dryrun file =
unless dryrun $
removeFile :: Deletion -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeFile deletion file =
when (isDelete deletion) $
whenM (D.doesFileExist file) $
D.removeFile file

prompt :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
prompt dryrun str =
unless dryrun $ do
prompt :: Deletion -> String -> IO ()
prompt deletion str =
when (isDelete deletion) $ do
putStr $ "Press Enter to delete " ++ str ++ ": "
void getLine
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/Snapshots.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Text.Printf

import Directories (globDirs, getStackSubdir, switchToSystemDirUnder)
import qualified Remove
import Types
import Versions

data SnapshotInstall =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,13 +85,13 @@ listGhcSnapshots mghcver = do
ghcs <- getSnapshotDirs mghcver
mapM_ printTotalGhcSize ghcs

removeVersionSnaps :: Bool -> FilePath -> VersionSnapshots -> IO ()
removeVersionSnaps dryrun cwd versnap = do
removeVersionSnaps :: Deletion -> FilePath -> VersionSnapshots -> IO ()
removeVersionSnaps deletion cwd versnap = do
let dirs = snapsHashes versnap
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
home <- getHomeDirectory
putStrLn $ plural (length dirs) "dir" ++ " in " ++ renderDir home dir ++ " " ++ (if dryrun then "would be " else "") ++ "removed for " ++ showVersion (snapsVersion versnap)
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory dryrun) dirs
putStrLn $ plural (length dirs) "dir" ++ " in " ++ renderDir home dir ++ " " ++ (if isDelete deletion then "" else "would be ") ++ "removed for " ++ showVersion (snapsVersion versnap)
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory deletion) dirs
plural :: Int -> String -> String
plural n thing = show n ++ " " ++ thing ++ if n == 1 then "" else "s"
Expand All @@ -101,31 +102,31 @@ removeVersionSnaps dryrun cwd versnap = do
Just reldir -> reldir
Nothing -> "~" </> dropPrefix (home ++ "/") fp

cleanGhcSnapshots :: Bool -> FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
cleanGhcSnapshots dryrun cwd ghcver = do
cleanGhcSnapshots :: Deletion -> FilePath -> Version -> IO ()
cleanGhcSnapshots deletion cwd ghcver = do
ghcs <- getSnapshotDirs (Just ghcver)
when (isMajorVersion ghcver) $ do
Remove.prompt dryrun ("all " ++ showVersion ghcver ++ " builds")
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps dryrun cwd) ghcs
Remove.prompt deletion ("all " ++ showVersion ghcver ++ " builds")
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps deletion cwd) ghcs

cleanMinorSnapshots :: Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
cleanMinorSnapshots dryrun cwd mghcver = do
cleanMinorSnapshots :: Deletion -> FilePath -> Maybe Version -> IO ()
cleanMinorSnapshots deletion cwd mghcver = do
ghcs <- getSnapshotDirs (majorVersion <$> mghcver)
case mghcver of
Nothing -> do
let majors = groupOn (majorVersion . snapsVersion) ghcs
forM_ majors $ \ gmajor ->
when (length gmajor > 1) $
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps dryrun cwd) (init gmajor)
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps deletion cwd) (init gmajor)
Just ghcver -> do
let newestMinor = if isMajorVersion ghcver
then (snapsVersion . last) ghcs
else ghcver
gminors = filter ((< newestMinor) . snapsVersion) ghcs
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps dryrun cwd) gminors
mapM_ (removeVersionSnaps deletion cwd) gminors

cleanOldStackWork :: Bool -> Int -> IO ()
cleanOldStackWork dryrun keep = do
cleanOldStackWork :: Deletion -> Int -> IO ()
cleanOldStackWork deletion keep = do
dirs <- sortOn takeFileName . lines <$> shell ( unwords $ "ls" : ["-d", "*/*"])
let ghcs = groupOn takeFileName dirs
Expand All @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ cleanOldStackWork dryrun keep = do
removeOlder dirs = do
let ghcver = (takeFileName . head) dirs
oldfiles <- drop keep . reverse <$> sortedByAge
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory dryrun . takeDirectory) oldfiles
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory deletion . takeDirectory) oldfiles
unless (null oldfiles) $
putStrLn $ show (length oldfiles) ++ " dirs removed for " ++ ghcver
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ setStackSnapshotsDir :: IO ()
setStackSnapshotsDir = do
getStackSubdir "snapshots" >>= switchToSystemDirUnder

removeStackWorks :: Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
removeStackWorks dryrun allrecurse = do
removeStackWorks :: Deletion -> Bool -> IO ()
removeStackWorks deletion allrecurse = do
recurse <-
if allrecurse then return True
else doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work"
Expand All @@ -181,6 +182,6 @@ removeStackWorks dryrun allrecurse = do
workdirs <- sort . lines <$> cmdIgnoreErr "find" [".", "-type", "d", "-name", ".stack-work", "-prune"] []
unless (null workdirs) $ do
mapM_ putStrLn workdirs
Remove.prompt dryrun "these dirs"
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory dryrun) workdirs
Remove.prompt deletion "these dirs"
mapM_ (Remove.doRemoveDirectory deletion) workdirs
else error' "run in a project dir (containing .stack-work/)\n or use --all to find and remove all .stack-work/ subdirectories"
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Types (
Deletion (..),

data Deletion = Dryrun | Delete
deriving Eq

isDelete :: Deletion -> Bool
isDelete = (== Delete)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion stack-clean-old.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: stack-clean-old
version: 0.3.1
version: 0.4
synopsis: Clean away old stack build artefacts
A tool for removing old .stack-work/install builds and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ executable stack-clean-old
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
Expand Down

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