This project was built using React. It displays and summarizes personal expenses. The data is fetched from an db.json server. You are able to see the expenses for a particular month in more details. There is also a feature where you are able to toggle between deciding whether this expense is considered to be necessary or not. There is also a form component, where you can add a new expense.
The backend of this project is a db.json file. So you will need two terminals, one to watch the server and the other to run the application.
First the json-server need to be run:
json-server --watch db.json
Using another terminal, all the dependencies need to be installed:
npm install
Once that is done, we are ready to start:
npm start
|-- NavBar
|-- Home
| |__ Summary
|-- ExpenseForm
|__ MonthsList
|__ Month
|__ Expense
I have ideas on how to expand this project, which I would like to come back and work on.
Currently months are being derived from the expenses data, but I would like to figure out a way where months can be derived based on the current time. That is, if the current month is September 2023 - the addExpense form should have the option for September 2023 even when there is no expense for that month in the database.
Eventually, I would like to add user profiles functionality for the app, that is including a log in/log out ability to keep track of a user's expenses.