This repository contains our attempt to detect and classify traffic signs in images from the German Traffic Sign dataset. Coauthors: @jomartla & @MateuszKlimas
Each notebook contains an iteration to solve the problem in a slightly different manner, being Assignment_2_3_main the last and most complete version.
Here you can read the full report of our work. Below, a short summary of the steps taken:
The problem we aimed to solve can be stated with the following sentence:
Given an image, find all the traffic signs within it (detection) and tell which ones they are (classification).
To solve this problem we designed and trained two CNN networks:
Binary classifier: a network which decides if an image has a traffic sign within it or not. For the non-traffic-sign class in our dataset we randomly selected segments from the background of the images (with cars, buildings, trees, etc).
Categorical classifier: a network that, given an image of a traffic sign, decides which type of sign it is. Since the data was scarce, we had to use data augmentation techiniques to help the network generalize better. We expanded our dataset by rotating slightly or images and changing their brightness
Our final pipeline follows these steps :
- We use Faster-RCNN, a Resnet proposed in this paper to predict potential bounding boxes (bboxes) which might contain traffic signs. Each bbox is defined by the coordinates of 2 pixels (top left and bottom right) saying where the traffic sign might be in the original image.
- We filter the resnet´s predictions:
- Discarding bboxes on the top or bottom 100 px of the image (no signs in the sky or the asphalt)
- Discarding bboxes whose ratio is not 3:4 < ratio < 4:3
- Discarding bboxes whose size > 75x75 px
- Discarding bboxes whose pixels where **white > 85 % **
Here you have an example of the resnet´s remaining bboxes after passing this filters:
- We pass the pixels of the bboxes which are left to the Binary classifier, which discards the ones which contain background.
- We pass the rest to the Categorical classifier, which determines which kind of traffic sign each bbox contains.
- Lastly we pass all the detected traffic signs which belong to the same image through a non-maximum-suppression model. This checks if two or more predictions overlap and are incoherent, and selects the one with most probability of being correct.
We run a grid search for some hyperparameters in this pipeline and obtained an overall accuracy of 25.35%. Here an example of correct traffic sign detection and classification
We realized that our model missclassified red cars and other objects as traffic signs, which dropped the accuracy drastically. If this behaviour could be ameliorated, the accuracy would probably increase drastically See the example below: