✨ Your new, shiny Nx workspace is almost ready ✨.
Learn more about this workspace setup and its capabilities or run npx nx graph
to visually explore what was created. Now, let's get you up to speed!
Click here to finish setting up your workspace!
To run tasks with Nx use:
npx nx <target> <project-name>
For example:
npx nx build myproject
These targets are either inferred automatically or defined in the project.json
or package.json
More about running tasks in the docs »
While you could add new projects to your workspace manually, you might want to leverage Nx plugins and their code generation feature.
To install a new plugin you can use the nx add
command. Here's an example of adding the React plugin:
npx nx add @nx/react
Use the plugin's generator to create new projects. For example, to create a new React app or library:
# Genenerate an app
npx nx g @nx/react:app demo
# Generate a library
npx nx g @nx/react:lib some-lib
You can use npx nx list
to get a list of installed plugins. Then, run npx nx list <plugin-name>
to learn about more specific capabilities of a particular plugin. Alternatively, install Nx Console to browse plugins and generators in your IDE.
Learn more about Nx plugins » | Browse the plugin registry »
Nx Console is an editor extension that enriches your developer experience. It lets you run tasks, generate code, and improves code autocompletion in your IDE. It is available for VSCode and IntelliJ.
Learn more:
- Learn more about this workspace setup
- Learn about Nx on CI
- Releasing Packages with Nx release
- What are Nx plugins?
And join the Nx community:
Node version 20
npx create-nx-workspace@latest <PROJECT_NAME>
npm install --save-dev @nx/node @nx/react @nx/next @nx/js
npx nx g @nx/node:application <API_NAME> --directory=apps --framework=express --e2eTestRunner=none
npx nx g @nx/node:application <API_NAME> --directory=apps --framework=fastify --e2eTestRunner=none
npx nx g @nx/react:application <APP_NAME> --directory=apps --bundler=vite --skipFormat --linter=eslint --e2eTestRunner=none --unitTestRunner=vitest
npx nx g @nx/next:application <APP_NAME> --directory=apps --bundler=vite --skipFormat --linter=eslint --e2eTestRunner=none
#### Create Utils
npx nx g @nx/js:library <LIB_NAME> --directory=libs --bundler=vite --unitTestRunner=vitest --linter=eslint
npx nx g @nx/react:library <LIB_NAME> --directory=libs --bundler=vite --unitTestRunner=vitest --linter=eslint --skipFormat
npx nx g @nx/react:storybook-configuration <TARGET_LIB> --directory=libs --bundler=vite
Running development server:
nx serve <APP_NAME> (react and express)
nx start <APP_NAME> (nextjs)
Running test:
nx test <APP_NAME>
nx test <APP_NAME> --watch
Running build process:
nx build <APP_NAME>
Running lint:
nx lint <APP_NAME>
nx format:write <APP_NAME>
nx format:check <APP_NAME>
See dependencies:
nx dep-graph
Para correr estos comando en las aplicacioens afectadas:
nx affected:<COMMAND>
Lanzar storybook y construirlo:
nx storybook <COMPONENTS_LIB>
nx build-storybook <COMPONENTS_LIB>
Running from root directory:
docker build -t api-core -f apps/api-core/Dockerfile .
brew install bash
npm install husky --save-dev
npx husky install
echo "npx prettier --check ." > .husky/pre-commit
## Building images:
docker build -t api-core -f ./apps/api-core/Dockerfile ./
## List projects
nx show projects
Build Docker image from root directory:
docker build -t <IMAGE-NAME> -f apps/api-auth/Dockerfile .
Build container:
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name <CONTAINER_NAME> <IMAGE_NAME> --env-file .env