Secures an API access checking AccessToken header to authenticate a user.
The API Firewall expects a "AccessToken" parameter in each Request header. If the AccessToken is valid then an ApiToken is introduced in the SecurityContext.
In order to create new AccessTokens a UsernamePasswordLoginManager is provided. It expects an username/password combination, and delegates its validation to a firewall (configurable, 'main' by default). When the username/password combination is correct then a new AccessToken is created.
A SecurityController is also included, it is prepared to work with FOSRestBundle and creates an "AccessToken" resource to provide an REST way to login. I.E GET /api/v2/accesstoken?username=user&password=pass
Document installation and configuration (security.yml, routing.yml, ... )
Make AccessToken parameter name configurable
Add an entity listener to remove accesstokens when user credentials are removed.