To demultiplex a run for which a link to the data archive has been sent by Biomics:
/pasteur/zeus/projets/p02/rsg_fast/jaseriza/autobcl2fastq/bin/ \
--email <EMAIL> | Default: [email protected]"
Email address for notifications."
--ssh_hostname <SSH_HOSTNAME> | Default: sftpcampus"
Alias for access to sftpcampus set up in your ~/.ssh/config."
--reads_dir <DESTINATION> | Default: /pasteur/gaia/projets/p02/Rsg_reads/nextseq_runs/"
Directory where the reads are going to be copied (available from sftpcampus)."
--working_dir <WORKING_DIR> | Default: /pasteur/appa/scratch/jaseriza/autobcl2fastq/"
Directory where demultiplexing takes place (available from maestro)."
Samplesheets are going to be formatted and backed up here."
--sbatch_dir <SBATCH_DIR> | Default: /opt/hpc/slurm/current/bin/"
Directory for sbatch dependency."
--bin_dir <BIN_DIR> | Default: /pasteur/appa/homes/jaseriza/bin/miniconda3/bin/"
Directory for xlsx2csv and Rscript dependencies."
--rclone_conf <RCLONE_CONFIG> | Default: /pasteur/zeus/projets/p02/rsg_fast/jaseriza/autobcl2fastq/rclone.conf"
This file contains credentials to authenticate to RSG Teams repository."
SSH key-based, passwordless access must be set up in ~/.ssh/config
to acces
the server where demultiplexed reads will be copied.
Several secrets have to be defined for automated fetching from Biomics:
: Pasteur email addresspassword
: Pasteur email passwordsender
: Pasteur email address of Biomics team senderimap_server
: Pasateur imap server
A specific rclone config is required to fetch RSG sequencing run sample sheets.
conda install -y -c conda-forge rclone
rclone config
# name: rsg
# storage: onedrive
# client_id: <LEAVE BLANK>
# client_secret: <LEAVE BLANK>
# region: global
# edit advanced config: n
# use auto config: n
# ... Open a terminal on your local machine, type `rclone authorize "onedrive"` then login from the web page
# config_type: search
# config_search_term: RSG
# config_driveid: 1 (Documents)
# Drive OK: y
rclone ls rsgteams:'Experimentalist group/sequencing_runs/'
The following binaries should be available in the system. Their directory
can be set up using --sbatch_dir <SBATCH_DIR>
and/or --bin_dir <BIN_DIR>