Welcome to my spin on a simple survey with Reactjs and javascripts new ES6 syntax! to view it in action open index.html in the templates folder
Folder structure
app - contains all views styles and everything related to your app.
actions - flux form actions to dispatch events
assets - sass files for styling
constants - flux form constants for telling the store what event was dispatched
dispatcher - the actual dispatcher to dispatch an event
elements - generic react components to be used on multiple views
helpers - any helper functions you want
lib - downloaded React to make imports faster
stores - flux form stores that register a dispatched event, handle the data, and emit a change for react to update its view
views - all of the base views for your app
build - compiled when running duo. import these two files in your template
components - duo compiles the github repos here
node_modules - node dependencies (only used for the initial build to get duo installed and running)
templates - your html template to load the page
To get this up and running use the following
run 'npm install' (may need sudo) from the root directory. This installs everything in package.json.
Then, run 'npm run build' to run duo and activate the watcher. The compiled js and sass can then be found in /build/entry.<type>
All React views are in /views (which can be reused). All global / generic components (such as a modal) should go in the elements folder
/templates contains the main entry html file.