A tool for managing a collection of recipes
- .NET Core 3.2 or higher
Project | Type | Purpose |
recipebook.functions | Azure Function | API layer for the application |
recipebook.blazor | Blazor WebAssembly | UI for the application |
recipebook.core | .NET Standard Class Library | Core library for non technology specific logic |
Project | Type | Purpose |
recipebook.functions.test | XUnit Tests | Unit Tests for the recipebook.functions project |
recipebook.blazor.test | XUnit Tests | Unit tests for hte recipebokk.blazor project |
This project uses GitHub Actions for builds and releases
Name | Path | Purpose |
CI Build | .github\workflows\ci-build.yml | Continuous Integration build for the repository. Builds, runs tests, and packages artifacts. Runs on all branches |
Deploy recipebook.functions | .github\workflows\fuctions-deploy.yml | Deploys the recipebook.functions to an Azure Functions resource |
Deploy recipebook.blazor | .github\workflows\blazor-deploy.yml | Deploys the recipebook.blazor app to a GitHub pages branch used for hosting the UI |
To run this project successfully, there are the following dependencies:
Resource | Purpose |
Cosmos DB | Underlying data store for persisting data |
Azure Function | Azure functions used to host the recipebook.functions app |
Azure Active Directory | Azure AD tenant used to authenticate users and the underlying services |
GitHub Pages | Used to host the Blazor WebAssembly application |