This project is dedicated to implementing the logic and visual representations of paper games using Python and pyQt5. Each game consists of 2 main elements:
This project is a hobby, it will continue to be active and I hope that this year (2024 - 2025) I will be able to implement more games and improve the visuals, add some music and better animations as at the moment it is more like a skeleton. The main UI can be seen in figure 1.
Figure 1. Main consoleThe games can also be run on the terminal. An example of a game running on the console is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. TicTacToe Running on terminalThe following games are currently available:
- TicTacToe
- Hangman
- DotAndBoxes
- Create a virtual environment to install the project.
python -m venv .bearconsole
- Activate your virtual environment
- GNU/Linux
source .bearconsole/bin/activate
- Windows
- Install the build module
python -m pip install build
- Build the project
python -m build
- Install the project
python -m pip install -e .
- Run the app Qt/Terminal
- Terminal
python ./
- Qt app
python ./