RESTful application implemented in Java using JAX-RS and Cassandra for the Backend and Angular for the Frontend.
It allows you to browse through a list of movies, where it is possible to add, update and delete movies as well as searches based on title.
The Frontend application has been implemented by following the Pluralsight courses Angular: Getting Started and Angular Reactive Forms by @DeborahK
Run gradle bootRun
for the backend server to start and npm start
for frontend server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
The application uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Java 1.8
- Angular
- Cassandra
- Gradle
The application uses Accessor-annotated interface for all CRUD operations.
To run the application you need to install Apache Cassandra.
Run cqlsh -f movie_app.cql
to create the Keyspace "movie_ks"
as well as create and populate the table "movies".