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Fix DemandBuffer Data Races
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We're still seeing crashes due to what look like data races in
`DemandBuffer`. Here, I'm making fixes based on what appears to have
helped in

In `buffer(value:)`:

* Check if the demand is unlimited and, if so, unlock before calling
* If the demand is not unlimited, append the value to the buffer and
  call `flush()` after unlocking.

In `flush(adding:)`:

* Process values in a loop, acquiring and releasing the lock around
  shared state access.
* Unlock before calling `subscriber.receive(value)` to avoid holding
  the lock during subscriber calls.
* After sending a value, lock again to update `demandState.requested`
  with any additional demand returned by the subscriber.
* Ensure that `subscriber.receive(completion:)` is called outside the

Also add a new `DemandBufferTests` test file. I added some tests that
I was hoping would fail without the above changes, but they all pass
both before and after, even with ThreadSanitizer enabled.
  • Loading branch information
jpsim committed Nov 29, 2024
1 parent fb82284 commit 80c8d92
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Showing 2 changed files with 209 additions and 28 deletions.
67 changes: 39 additions & 28 deletions Sources/ComposableArchitecture/Internal/Create.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,28 +36,25 @@ final class DemandBuffer<S: Subscriber>: @unchecked Sendable {

func buffer(value: S.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand {
defer { lock.unlock() }

self.completion == nil, "How could a completed publisher sent values?! Beats me 🤷‍♂️")
self.completion == nil, "How could a completed publisher send values?! Beats me 🤷‍♂️")

switch demandState.requested {
case .unlimited:
if demandState.requested == .unlimited {
return subscriber.receive(value)
} else {
return flush()

func complete(completion: Subscribers.Completion<S.Failure>) {
defer { lock.unlock() }

self.completion == nil, "Completion have already occurred, which is quite awkward 🥺")

self.completion == nil, "Completion has already occurred, which is quite awkward 🥺")
self.completion = completion
_ = flush()

Expand All @@ -66,39 +63,53 @@ final class DemandBuffer<S: Subscriber>: @unchecked Sendable {

private func flush(adding newDemand: Subscribers.Demand? = nil) -> Subscribers.Demand {
self.lock.sync {
var sentDemand = Subscribers.Demand.none
var completionToSend: Subscribers.Completion<S.Failure>?

if let newDemand = newDemand {
demandState.requested += newDemand
if let newDemand = newDemand {
demandState.requested += newDemand

// If buffer isn't ready for flushing, return immediately
guard demandState.requested > 0 || newDemand == Subscribers.Demand.none else { return .none }
var loop = true
while loop {
var valueToSend: S.Input?

while !buffer.isEmpty && demandState.processed < demandState.requested {
demandState.requested += subscriber.receive(buffer.remove(at: 0))
if !buffer.isEmpty && demandState.processed < demandState.requested {
valueToSend = buffer.remove(at: 0)
demandState.processed += 1

if let completion = completion {
// Completion event was already sent
sentDemand += 1
} else if let completion = completion {
buffer = []
demandState = .init()
self.completion = nil
subscriber.receive(completion: completion)
return .none
completionToSend = completion
loop = false
} else {
loop = false

if let value = valueToSend {
let additionalDemand = subscriber.receive(value)
demandState.requested += additionalDemand

let sentDemand = demandState.requested - demandState.sent
demandState.sent += sentDemand
return sentDemand
if let completion = completionToSend {
subscriber.receive(completion: completion)

return sentDemand

struct Demand {
var processed: Subscribers.Demand = .none
var requested: Subscribers.Demand = .none
var sent: Subscribers.Demand = .none

Expand Down
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions Tests/ComposableArchitectureTests/DemandBufferTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
@preconcurrency import Combine
@testable @preconcurrency import ComposableArchitecture
import XCTest

final class DemandBufferTests: BaseTCATestCase {
func testConcurrentSend() async throws {
let values = LockIsolated<Set<Int>>([])

let effect = AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.create { subscriber in
Task.detached { @Sendable in
for index in 0...1_000 {
subscriber.send(completion: .finished)
return AnyCancellable {}

let cancellable = effect.sink { value in
values.withValue {
_ = $0.insert(value)

try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: NSEC_PER_SEC)

XCTAssertEqual(values.value, Set(0...1_000))

_ = cancellable

func testConcurrentDemandAndSend() async throws {
let values = LockIsolated<Set<Int>>([])
let subscriberLock = LockIsolated<Void>(())

let effectSubscriber = LockIsolated<Effect<Int>.Subscriber?>(nil)
let effect = AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.create { subscriber in
return AnyCancellable {}

let cancellable = effect.sink { value in
values.withValue {
_ = $0.insert(value)

await withTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
for index in 0..<1_000 {
group.addTask { @Sendable in
group.addTask { @Sendable in
subscriberLock.withValue { _ in
_ = (effectSubscriber.value as? any Subscription)?.request(.max(1))

try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: NSEC_PER_SEC)

XCTAssertEqual(values.value, Set(0..<1_000))

_ = cancellable

func testReentrantSubscriber() async throws {
let values = LockIsolated<Set<Int>>([])
let effectSubscriber = LockIsolated<Effect<Int>.Subscriber?>(nil)

let effect = AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.create { subscriber in
return AnyCancellable {}

let cancellable = effect.sink { value in
values.withValue {
_ = $0.insert(value)
if value < 1_000 {
Task { @MainActor in
effectSubscriber.value?.send(value + 1_000)

Task.detached { @Sendable in
for index in 0..<1_000 {

try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: NSEC_PER_SEC)

XCTAssertEqual(values.value, Set(0..<2_000))

_ = cancellable

func testNoDeadlockOnReentrantSend() {
let values = LockIsolated<Set<Int>>([])
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "Test should not deadlock")

let effectSubscriber = LockIsolated<Effect<Int>.Subscriber?>(nil)
let effect = AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.create { subscriber in
effectSubscriber.withValue { $0 = subscriber }
return AnyCancellable {}

let cancellable = effect.sink { value in
values.withValue {
_ = $0.insert(value)
// Prevent infinite recursion by limiting re-entrant calls
if value == 0 {
effectSubscriber.withValue { $0?.send(value + 1_000) }
} else {

// Ensure that 'effectSubscriber' is set before we use it
effectSubscriber.withValue { subscriber in

// Wait for the test to complete
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1.0)

XCTAssertEqual(values.value, Set([0, 1_000]))

_ = cancellable

func testConcurrentSendAndCompletion() {
let values = LockIsolated<Set<Int>>([])
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "All values received")

let effect = AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.create { subscriber in
// Concurrently send values
DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: 1000) { index in
// Send completion {
subscriber.send(completion: .finished)
return AnyCancellable {}

let cancellable = effect.sink(
receiveCompletion: { _ in expectation.fulfill() },
receiveValue: { value in
values.withValue {
_ = $0.insert(value)

wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5.0)

XCTAssertEqual(values.value.count, 1000)

_ = cancellable

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